December 2015

Saturday 19 December 2015

Adolf Hitler - La plus grande histoire jamais contée


Adolf Hitler - La plus grande histoire jamais contée
The greatest story never told - VOSTFR

Depuis 1945, seul les vainqueurs parlent de la seconde guerre mondiale, c'est-à-dire les américains et leurs alliés.
Et si l'on regardait l'espace d'un instant cette guerre du côté européen ?
Qu'en est-il réellement de cette guerre ? Qui fut réellement Hitler ? Ce garçon d'une famille ordinaire dont l'ambition était de devenir artiste, mais qui se retrouva vagabond dès le début de sa vie d'adulte, dans une société minée par le chômage.
Sa destiné le rattrapa, pour le propulser au sommet du pouvoir, pour qu'il devienne l'un des hommes les plus célèbres et influents que le monde ai jamais connus.

Voici pour la première fois présenté en français : La plus grande histoire jamais contée, l'histoire d'Adolf Hitler.

English :
The greatest story never told 1-3
The greatest story never told 2-3
The greatest story never told 3-3

Philipp Bouhler - Adolf Hitler A short sketch of his life

Adolf Hitler - Videos
Adolf Hitler - PDF

Wednesday 16 December 2015

Dieudonné - On est dans l'épicentre de la diablerie en France

Dieudonné sur Soral et l'état de la France

Extrait de l'entrevue téléphonique :
Pour que tu sache un peu mon état d'esprit, ça c'est construit dans le temps, à mon niveau, effectivement je suis avant tout un chef de famille Ewondo (Afrique centrale).
Je vais faire un spectacle, ça vas durer un an ou deux, et après je vais me retirer tranquillement en Afrique.

Dans ce monde de fou, Soral ressemble bien au pays dans lequel il est, la France. C'est un pays fou, c'est un pays de dingues, c'est un pays de cinglés.
Et moi j'ai plus rien à y faire. C'est fini, c'est terminé, j'ai plus rien à foutre ici. Donc quand je vois Alain Soral, je vois la France. Alors j'essaye de partir, poliment...
Je n'ai plus aucune espèce d'illusion sur ce qu'est ce pays. C'est une fausse à purin.
Y a plus de loi, y a plus de justice, alors je m'en vais...

On est dans l'épicentre de la diablerie ici.
Quand je bouge, quand je retourne au village (Cameroun), vraiment je ne ressent pas du tout ça.

Soral il vit que pour le fric, alors il est chez lui ici. Il est à l'image de ce truc là...

Entre eux (la dissidence) et les tueurs en série de Poissy (prison), j'ai l'impression que j'ai affaire à ce qu'il y a de mieux sur le plan moral en France. Pour te donner un peu l'idée de là où je me trouve... de pourquoi je suis sur le départ.

Je ne connais personne ici qui incarne la sagesse et la raison, personne.
J'en ai jamais rencontré un seul, je n'ai jamais rencontré un seul sage. Jamais, jamais, y en a pas.
J'ai jamais rencontré un mec avec qui tu t'assois, et juste tu l'écoute, jamais.

C'est aussi le mariage pour tous qui a été déclencheur de mon départ. Quand tu peux marier deux codétenues, deux tueurs en série, et qu'ils vont adopter un autre codétenu pour faire une famille... c'est ça la famille française ? C'est simple c'est fini, ce pays est dégénéré.
Soral là dedans peux être pape de ça, pourquoi pas, y a pas de soucis.

A lire :
Des camps de concentration pour les militants fichés S en France
Tu pues la France
Message aux jeunes Aryens de France
La France a perdue sa guerre civile
Sur les traces du véritable Führer, Vlad Tepes

Les livres de Kontre Kulture en PDF
Nettoyage Ethnik - The best of

Monday 14 December 2015

Philipp Bouhler - Adolf Hitler A short sketch of his life


Philipp Bouhler - Adolf Hitler A short sketch of his life


Adolf Hitler was born on April 20, 1889, at Braunau in Upper Austria, close to the Bavarian frontier. Because it is situated on the frontier that divided two branches of the German people, Hitler has spoken of Braunau as representing for him “The Symbol of a Great Task”, namely that of uniting all Germans in one State. His father, who was the son of poor peasants from the forest district, had worked himself upwards through his own study and perseverance until he became a civil servant. At the time that Adolf was born his father was Customs Officer at Braunau. Being proud of his own achievement and the status he had reached, his dearest desire was that his son should also enter the civil service; but the son was entirely opposed to this idea.

He would be an artist.

When he was thirteen years old Hitler lost his father and four years later his mother died. So that he found himself alone in the world at the age of seventeen. He had attended the primary school and subsequently the grammar school at Linz; but poverty forced him to give up his studies and earn his bread. He went to Vienna, with the intention of studying to be an architect but he had to work for his livelihood as manual labourer at the building trade, where he mixed the mortar and served the carpenters and bricklayers. Later on he earned a daily pittance as an architectural draughtsman. Having to depend entirely on himself, he experienced in his own person from his earliest years what poverty and hunger and privation meant, And so he shared the daily fate of the workers, the “proletariat” in the building trade, and felt where the shoe pinched. Thus it came about that he began to think in terms of social reform during his early years.

He busied himself with the political questions of the day. In this study he was influenced by the personality of Schoenerer, the leader of the Pan-German Austrians, and Lueger, who was the Vienna Burgermeister and founder of the Christian-Social Party. Hitler conceived a great admiration for these two men. He made an exhaustive study of the teachings of Karl Marx and here came to the important conclusion that one had to know Judaism in order to have the key to an inner and real knowledge of what Social Democracy meant.
At the building site where he worked he came into contact with Social Democracy for the first time. He at once began to make a careful study of the literature dealing with it and thus acquired a detailed knowledge of the Marxist programme and the ways and means which were proposed to put it into practice. This led to controversies with his fellow workers. And he refused to join their organization. At that time he did not believe in the idea that the trade-unions were an appropriate means of protecting the interests of the working classes against the arbitrary importunities of the employers. He only saw that the political attitude of the trade-unions was Marxist and he considered the tradeunionist idea as definitely identical with that of Marxism, while he looked on Marxism as something that would destroy all civilization.

His fellow workers threatened to fling him down from the scaffolding.
They succeeded in forcing him to give up his job. In his next job he had to go through much the same experience. But as he acquired a more thorough understanding of the character and tendencies of his opponents his influence on the other workmen increased and he soon realized how they reacted to his different view of things. He then saw clearly that the German worker was by no means a bad fellow in himself, that he was not anti-national and that he was only the victim of unscrupulous agitators.

Though the years spent in Vienna meant a hard and bitter struggle with life, the experience gained in this school was of inestimable value afterwards. Hitler was now yearning to live as a German in Germany itself, free from the oppression under which the German element had to suffer in that potpourri of nations which made up the Habsburg Empire. So he left Vienna and came to live in Munich. That was on April 24, 1912.

In those days Munich was the chief centre of artistic and cultural life in Germany. Still hoping to make a name for himself as an architect, Adolf Hitler now devoted as much time and energy as possible to the study of architecture, while at the same time he had to earn his daily bread by designing and colouring placards. Recently he had been doing a good deal of reading for purposes of self-education. He continued this during his artistic studies and work in Munich, making history his speciality, which had been his favourite subject at school.
But he went further than this, for he literally denied himself food in order to save the money for visits to the theatre and hearing Grand Opera, especially the music dramas of Richard Wagner, whom he revered as a German artist and reformer in the grand style. It was especially during those years that Hitler laid the foundations of that all round knowledge which surprises everybody with whom he discusses general questions today.

August 2, 1914 arrived. A spirit of fervid but solemn enthusiasm ran through the whole nation. Wave after wave of German youth rushed enthusiastically to join the volunteer regiments and reserve battalions.
Hitler, who had always felt that he was a German first and foremost, presented himself at the headquarters of one of the Bavarian regiments and volunteered for the front. He regarded this act as a matter of course. Nor were there any technical difficulties in the way; for in the February of that year he had been definitely exempted from the obligation of military service in Austria. On October 10, 1914, he left for the front as a soldier in the 16th Bavarian Reserve Infantry Regiment.

Destiny seemed to have preordained that Hitler should serve in the old German Army, that organization which was a magnificent example of the folk community and which he had for a long time envisaged as the kind of social formation through which the German people would finally reach its destined goal.

Adolf Hitler threw himself body and soul into the work of his new calling as a soldier. He received his baptism of fire in Flanders, where he faced death in the ranks of that regiment which was made up of German youth who stormed the trenches and fought and fell while they sang Deutschland ueber alles. During the attack on the Bayernwald and in the subsequent engagements around Wytschaete Hitler showed remarkable bravery; so much so that already on December 2, 1914, less than two months after he had first entered the trenches, he was awarded the Iron Cross of the Second Class. Having shown himself resourceful and courageous, without being foolhardy, he was now given one of the most hazardous jobs in the regiment, namely that of dispatch-runner, for which only picked soldiers are used. In carrying out this task he won a good deal of admiration, especially because on more than one occasion he voluntarily stepped in and took on himself a piece of dangerous work which otherwise would have fallen to the lot of older men who had wives and families at home. On the whole it can be said without any fear of contradiction that Hitler’s conduct as a soldier won the unstinted admiration of his superiors; while his companions in the trenches, no matter how opposed their political views were to his, admired his courage and his genuine spirit of comradeship.

On October 6, 1916, he was wounded in the thigh by a shrapnel splinter and had to be sent to one of the home hospitals for treatment. Within a few months he was on his feet again. He left hospital in March 1917 and immediately volunteered once more for the front.
During the great offensive of 1918, while carrying dispatches, he succeeded in ambushing a French officer and about fifteen men and brought them back prisoners. For this he was awarded the Iron Cross of the First Class.
On the night of October 13/14, 1918, the British launched an attack with phosgene gas in the sector south of Ypres. Hitler’s regiment suffered severely and the casualties were extremely heavy. Hitler himself suddenly felt an excruciating pain in the eyes as he was returning with a dispatch to his own lines. He managed to struggle back however and deliver his dispatch. After that he was sent to hospital, totally blind.

While the German armies were still fighting desperately on all fronts for the very existence of their native land, defeatism was at work behind the lines and at home. Under the corroding influence of the propagandist poison spread by anti-national agencies at home, civilian morale was steadily crumbling. This process of disintegration gradually reached the soldiers at the front, where it took on a graver character day after day. The coming downfall cast its darkening shadow even across the fighting lines.

The revolt of the sailors at the naval base in Kiel was the signal for the revolution. On November 9, 1918, the day of the general collapse had come. It was not merely the monarchical constitution in Germany that was overthrown. No, but everything else with it — the Fatherland itself, faith in the Fatherland and in, one’s fellow man, order and discipline.

Hitler was in hospital at Pasewalk in Pomerania when he first heard the news. The pain in the eyes had gradually become less severe. His sight began to return and he now had hopes of regaining his normal powers of vision. The impression which the news then made was described by him some years later in the following words :

“So all had been in vain. In vain all the sacrifices and privations, in vain the hunger and thirst for endless months, in vain those hours that we stuck to our posts when the fear of death gripped our souls, and in vain the deaths of two millions who fell in the fulfilment of their duty. Think of those hundreds of thousands who set out with hearts full of faith in their Fatherland, and never returned; ought not their graves to open so that the spirits of those heroes bespattered with mud and blood should come home and wreak their vengeance on those who had despicably betrayed the greatest sacrifice which a human being can make for his country.

Was it for this that the soldiers gave their lives in August and September 1914, for this that the volunteer regiments followed the old comrades m the autumn of the same year? Was it for this that those boys of seventeen years of age were mingled with the soil of Flanders? Was this meant to be the fruits of the sacrifice which German mothers made for their Fatherland when, with heavy hearts, they said goodbye to their sons, who never returned ? Was all this done in order to enable a gang of despicable criminals to lay hands on the Fatherland ?”

Hitler now developed a burning hatred against the perpetrators of what he considered to be a most dastardly crime and at the same time it became apparent to him that Fate had destined him for a certain task.
On that day he decided to take up political work.

Philipp Bouhler - Adolf Hitler Das werden einer volksbewegung
Philipp Bouhler - Bitka za Njemačku

Adolf Hitler - Videos
Adolf Hitler - PDF
Führer - PDF


Friday 11 December 2015

Des camps de concentration pour les militants fichés S en France


Des camps de concentration pour les militants fichés S en France

M. Valls cherche à savoir s’il serait légal de créer des camps afin d’y retenir préventivement les
« Fichés S ».

Projet de loi constitutionnelle de protection de la nation

Depuis plus d'une décennie nous exhortons les vrais militants "nationalistes" "français" à quitter la France. Aussi paradoxale que cela puisse leurs paraitre, ils commencent à peine à en entrevoir les raisons.
Vous allez tous finir dans des camps de concentration avec des islamistes égorgeurs d'enfants.
Vous connaitrez des destins bien plus horribles et misérables encore que les fascistes anglais, canadiens, citoyens US, etc... des années 30; et votre combat n'aura servi à rien.

Lors de la monté du fascisme en Europe, aux Amériques et au Japon au début du XXe siècle, n'importe quelle personne lambda aurait été considérée actuellement comme ultra nazi. Aujourd'hui la majorité des gents est totalement opposée à la tradition et le pouvoir juif n'a jamais été aussi puissant. Vous êtes complétement désorganisés. Les maigres espoirs que vous nourrissez dans le parti politique front national ne vous empêcheront pas d'être parqué comme des animaux. Vous n'aurez absolument aucun soutien ni aucun recours. Le FN s’accommodera parfaitement de cette situation car vous le gêner. Et ce dernier est de toute façon très loin d'une hypothétique prise de pouvoir en 2017; il y aura-t-il des élections en 2017 ?

Partez pour des pays où il n'y a pas de chasse aux nazis. Organisez-vous en conséquence. Vous ne pourrez bientôt plus quitter le territoire français.

Le gouvernement envisage-t-il l'internement des personnes fichées S ?

La France a perdue sa guerre civile
Tu pues la France
Message aux jeunes Aryens de France
Sur les traces du véritable Führer, Vlad Tepes

Thursday 10 December 2015

Augustin Berthe - Jésus-Christ, sa vie, sa passion, son triomphe


Augustin Berthe - Jésus-Christ, sa vie, sa passion, son triomphe

Augustin_Berthe_Jesus-Christ_sa_vie_sa_passion_son_triomphe.pngLe Révérend Père Augustin Berthe (1830-1907) est né à Merville, dans le diocèse de Cambrai. Ordonné prêtre en 1854, il devient missionnaire et prédicateur de la Congrégation du Plus Saint Rédempteur, à l’intérieur de l’Église catholique. Professeur de rhétorique, recteur de diverses maisons rédemptoristes en France, il est nommé avocat général de la Congrégation à Rome où il finira sa vie. Il a écrit de nombreux articles et ouvrages, traduits en plusieurs langues, en particulier une biographie de Garcia Moreno, président de l’Équateur dont il fut le secrétaire.

Après le scandale provoqué par la publication de la Vie de Jésus d’Ernest Renan en 1863, qui décrivait l’existence d’un homme et d’un homme seulement, le Père Berthe n’a pas cherché à prouver la véracité des Évangiles ni à faire œuvre de théologie. Il a fait bien plus : il a écrit un chant d’amour pour celui auquel il a consacré sa propre vie, avec lequel il a vécu à des siècles de distance, mais qu’il a côtoyé tous les jours au travers des textes sacrés. Amour de celui qui regarde, émerveillé, vivre, parler, se mouvoir celui qui à son tour le fait vivre. Fin connaisseur de l’Histoire, mais aussi des lieux où le Christ a vécu, il nous fait partager son quotidien, nous permettant de découvrir à travers une langue vivante et très imagée certains détails de sa vie, de son caractère, de sa manière d’être qui, plus que n’importe quelle discussion savante, nous font saisir la dimension à la fois humaine et divine de celui qu’on appelle le Fils de l’Homme et qui appelle Dieu, son Père.

Christianisme - PDF Ebooks

Kontre Kulture - PDF Ebooks

Wednesday 9 December 2015

Takuan Sōhō - L'esprit indomptable


Takuan Sōhō - L'esprit indomptable
Écrits d’un maître de zen à un maître de sabre

Dans leur ensemble, les trois écrits qui constituent cet ouvrage s’adressent à la classe des samouraïs et ont pour objet d’unifier l’esprit du zen à l’esprit du sabre. Le conseil donné mêle les aspects pratiques, techniques et philosophiques qui président à toute confrontation et apportent à l’individu la connaissance de soi, qui deviendra à terme un art de vivre.
En établissant clairement l’unité du zen et du sabre, Takuan a influencé les écrits de grands maîtres qui continuent à être lus et leurs préceptes à être appliqués ; c’est le cas du Heihø Kadensho (Le sabre de vie) de Yagyº Munenori et surtout du Gorin no Sho (Le Livre des Cinq Éléments ou des Cinq Roues) de Miyamoto Musashi.
Le style de ces hommes varie, mais leurs conclusions s’imprègnent d’un haut niveau d’introspection et de compréhension, qu’elles soient exprimées en termes de « liberté et de spontanéité » par Musashi, ou « d’esprit ordinaire qui ne connaît aucune règle » par Munenori ou encore « d’esprit indomptable » par Takuan.

Takuan Sōhō était un moine zen, calligraphe, peintre, poète, maître de l’art du jardin et de l’art du thé. Ses écrits sont toujours une source d’inspiration qui guide la conduite des Japonais contemporains, comme ils l’ont été au cours des quatre siècles passés.
Conseiller et confident des plus grands comme des plus humbles, il semble avoir pénétré librement dans presque toutes les strates de la société, faisant profiter de ses enseignements le Shogun, mais aussi l’Empereur, et devient l’ami et le professeur du samouraï et artiste, Miyamoto Musashi.

Arts Martiaux - PDF - Ebook


Monday 7 December 2015

Francis Parker Yockey - The enemy of Europe Audiobook


Francis Parker Yockey - The enemy of Europe - Audiobook

francis_parker_yockey.jpgThe Enemy of Europe by Francis Parker Yockey was originally written in the early 1950s as sequel to his most important work Imperium (1948).
In 1953 a translation of his manuscript was first published in German as Der Feind Europas; later it was published in English.

The book largely focuses on presenting his perspective of how World War II started, the effects of the war on the various European nations, which nations truly won and lost, the international political situation after the war, a prediction of a third world war, and other related political events and analyses.

Introductory Note
The Morphology of the Second World War
The First Interbellum-Period 1919-1930
The Liquidation of English Sovereignty
Origins of the war
Stronger Power-Currents in the Age of Absolute Politics
The Metapolitics of the War
Three Aspects of the War
Results of the War
The Power-Problems of the War
The Morphology of the Third World War
The American Occupation of Europe
The Demise of the Western Nations
The Inner Enemy of Europe
The outer Enemies of Europe
The Politics of Europe
The Definition of Enemy
The Power-Problems of the Second Interbellum-Period
The American Power-Accumulation
The Concert of Bolshevism
The Political Enemy of Europe

Also contains a few extra articles written contemporaneously :

The Tragedy Of Youth - 1939
The Proclamation Of London - 1949
What Is Behind The Hanging Of The Eleven Jews In Prague ? - 1952
The Destiny Of America - 1955
The World In Flames - 1961

Francis Parker Yockey - The enemy of Europe - PDF Ebook
Francis Parker Yockey - Imperium - Audiobook
Francis Parker Yockey - Imperium - English
Francis Parker Yockey - Imperium - Español
For more books of Francis Parker Yockey

Sunday 6 December 2015

Adolf Hitler - L'homme qui a combattu les banques

Adolf Hitler - L'homme qui a combattu les banques

Ce que vous possédez de plus précieux au monde est votre propre peuple !
The most precious possession you have in the World is your own Pepole !
Der kostbarste Besitz auf dieser Welt aber ist das eigene Volk !
Adolf Hitler

Adolf Hitler - The man who fought the bank
Adolf Hitler - Ma doctrine
Adolf Hitler - Vidéos
Adolf Hitler - PDF Ebook
Adolf Hitler - Principes d'action
Adolf Hitler - Discours en faveur du Secours d'Hiver - Vidéo
Adolf Hitler - The greatest story never told
Adolf Hitler lance un dernier appel à la raison
Hitler's Victory - A Final Appeal For Peace and Sanity

Adolf_Hitler_homme_combattu_banques.jpg - Vidéos en français
Cesare Santoro - Plan de Hitler contra el Socialismo Internacional
Lazare - Pour Hitler ou contre l'Europe
Docteur C. Nancy - Hitler contre Juda
Léon Degrelle - La cohue de 1940
Léon Degrelle - How Hitler consolidated power and launched a social revolution
Léon Degrelle - Le fascinant Hitler
Eberhardt Gheyn - Los neo-nazis en Sudamerica
Jean Mabire - Morir en Berlín Los Waffen SS Franceses
James Nichols - Aldebaran mystery
Sur les traces du véritable Führer, Vlad Tepes
Miguel Serrano - Los OVNIs de Hitler contra el nuevo orden mundial
Miguel Serrano - NOS Book of the Resurrection
Miguel Serrano - Adolf Hitler The Ultimate Avatar
Gottfried Feder - The programme of the NSDAP
Von Ribbentrop Joachim - La lutte de l’Europe pour sa liberté


Saturday 5 December 2015

Gustavo Barroso - História secreta do Brasil


Gustavo Barroso - História secreta do Brasil
Volume 1 - Volume 2 - Volume 3 - Volume 4 - Volume 5 - Volume 6

Gustavo_Barroso.jpgSão seis volumes RAROS escritos pelo advogado, contista, ensaísta, político e romancista fortalezense Gustavo Barroso (1888-1923).
Neles o autor descobre o manto que revestia a verdadeira história do Brasil e escancara o que, só agora, a nova história vem mostrando para a contemporaneidade: “Existe um Poder acima do Rei”.

É a História do Brasil como nunca vista, diferente do que os livros didáticos costumam ensinar.

Gustavo Barroso - Brasil colônia de banqueiros
História dos empréstimos de 1824 a 1934

Gustavo Barroso - Judaísmo, maçonaria e comunismo

História secreta do Brasil

Volume 1

I - O Monopólio do Pau-de-Tinta
II - O Empório do Açúcar
III - O Tráfico de Carne Humana
IV - A Pirataria e a Conquista
V - A Ladroeira do Estanco
VI - A Tragédia do Ouro
VII - O Drama dos Diamantes
VIII - A Guerra Judaica
IX - O Ninho do Contrabando
X - A Entrada em Cena da Maçonaria

Volume 2

XII - O Trovão de França
XIII - Maçons Aquém e Além Mar
XIV - Guatimozin à Sombra da Acácia
XV - O Ouro de Rothschild e a Mão do General Miranda
XVI - O Minotauro da América
XVII - A Semente do Bacharelado Judaizado
XVIII - O Motim dos Mercenários
XIX - O Imperador do Sacrifício

Volume 3

XX - O Brasil e a Baviera
XXI - O Homem que teve dois Túmulos
XXII - A Camorra de Cima
XXIII - Satanás da Paulicéia
XXIV - A Divindade do Mistério
XXV - A Religião do Segredo
XXVI - Tartufo e o Poder Oculto
XXVII - Os Cabanos do Grão-Pará
XXVIII - A Maçonaria Negra

Volume 4

XXIX - A mão oculta
XXX - A epopéia dos centauros
XXXI - A república que nasceu morta
XXXII - O reino encantado do diabo
XXXIII - O imperador dos bentevis
XXXIV - A restauração da autoridade

Volume 5

I - O Ministro que durou nove horas
II - O Rei, o Vice-Rei, o Mágico e os Patriarcas Invisíveis
III - O rabo do foguete
IV - A guerra civil das matas
V - O Tigre de Palermo e o Carnaval Financeiro
VI - A Realeza econômica
VII - A pata do leopardo
VIII - O pomo das discórdia
IX - O Império e os dois galos de briga

Volume 6

I – O Bode Preto nos campos de batalha
II – Atanásio, Crisóstomo e Ganganelli
III – O mistério do sangue
IV – Experientia in anima vili
V – O ídolo da mocidade militar
VI – A sentença de morte da Monarquia
VII – A Estrela Flamejante
Apêndice - O Mistério do Sangue

Gustavo Barroso - PDF

Friday 4 December 2015

Galzu, le sage invisible

galzu.jpgGalzu, le sage invisible
Ce site est pour vous aider à retrouver vos mémoires.

Attentats de Paris, Psy-Op et mensonges sous faux drapeau

L'important était de créer une onde de choc mondiale de peur et de terreur pour ainsi faire plier et accepter les gens à céder leurs droits et libertés en échange d'une Sécurité et Protection très illusive... tel l'imposition des mesures de sécurité déguisées qui n'est autre que la Loi Martiale.

Tout dans les Médias, les Gouvernements, la Médecine, la Justice, la Finance, les Industries et les Religions n'est que mensonge et illusion.


A titre de comparaison avec la vidéo de la sortie des "survivants" du Bataclan, où l'on voit des personnes suspendues dans le vide.
Regarder attentivement le film de l’incendie du club "The Station Night Club" en 2003 où se trouvait réunis moins de 500 personnes. Le Bataclan lui en contenait 1500.

The toxic smoke, heat and the stampede of people toward the exits killed 100; 230 were injured and another 132 escaped uninjured.

Bataclan - L'imposture du sauveur de la femme enceinte

La femme enceinte est remplacée par un homme

Thursday 3 December 2015

Fondements historiques du Québec


Fondements historiques du Québec
Gilles Laporte - Luc Lefebvre

Cet ouvrage est destiné aux étudiantes et aux étudiants en sciences humaines ainsi qu'au public de plus en plus large qui désire comprendre, par l'étude de l'histoire, l'originalité et la richesse qui caractérisent la société québécoise.

L'ouvrage est construit autour de trois grandes périodes (1810-1880, 1880-1945 et de 1945 à nos Jours); les auteurs en dégagent les structures propres, tout en rappelant les jalons importants. Chaque période est divisée en trois thèmes: économie, société et politique.

À l'heure où les barrières s'estompent entre les sciences humaines, l'ouvrage, alliant la minutie de la méthode historique à l'usage des concepts élaborés dans les sciences de l'homme, comble un vide certain.

Louise Dechêne - Le peuple, l'état et la guerre au Canada sous le régime français
Francophonie et frères d'Alliance - Ouvrages de Francis Parkman
Adrien Arcand - La révolte du matérialisme
Mathieu Barrois - Lettre au président du Québec
Marc de Villiers du Terrage - Les denières années de la Louisiane française


Wednesday 2 December 2015

Harold J. Jenks - Michael H. Brown - Prison's bloody iron


Harold J. Jenks - Michael H. Brown
Prison's bloody iron
Deadly knife fighting tactics revealed

Jenks_J_Harold.jpgHarold James Jenks practically grew up behind bars spending all of his teenage years in jails, reformatories and prisons. Jenks was not free until he was 24 years old-learned how to fight as a matter of survival. On the "outside" Jenks used knowledge acquired in prison for jobs managing unruly customers in nightclubs, etc. - getting upwards of $500 a day for occasional "trouble-shooting."

In addition to knowledge acquired in prison Jenks dealt with knife experts on the streets whose tricks, moves and expertise had been passed down for generations-such as the "twirl" and "moves with the ice-pick grip."
Jenk's forte in prison was his ability to command, control and "move" on other prisoners when the occasion required.

Jenks is currently the national president of the Iron Cross Motorcycle club, formerly based in Southern California and has served time in Leavenworth, Chillcothe, Terre Haute, St. Petersburg, and NTS.

Michael_H_Brown.jpgMichael H. Brown served in the U.S. Army Airborne, 101st and 82nd (2 years each) 1960-1964. Lead paramilitary attack against pro-Communist rioters in San Francisco during 1966.

Put scores of Commies in hospital while suffering no causalities themselves. In the Summer of 1967 Mike lead an armed confrontation against the black Panther headquarters - the Panthers backed down ! In late Summer Mike lead 34 men in an attack against over 7500 Communist "peace marchers" putting scores of them in the hospital.

Mike founded the Iron Cross Motorcycle Club in June 1968 and served as California president through 1970. This book was written by two guys who know what prison knife fighting is all about, because They were there !

Boody Iron reveals and dismisses the commonly taught nonsense and moves you through stances, creeping and sticking, unarmed defenses and all the other vital elements of using the Blade.

Martial Arts - PDF
