Friday 27 December 2024

Paraguay mafia and Erwin Annau - El Paraiso Verde

Paraguay mafia and Erwin Annau - El Paraiso Verde

The rigging of the 2023 Paraguayan presidential election.

El Paraíso Verde (Spanish for The Green Paradise) is a gated community in the Caazapá Department of Paraguay. It was founded by Erwin Annau and his wife Sylvia, who are both from Austria. As of March 2022, its population is about 250, mostly German language-speaking immigrants from Germany and Austria, with some Americans and Canadians present. The community is planned as a settlement for 6,000 people and may expand to more than 20,000 people, according to its marketing materials. The community bills itself as a refuge from socialism, 5G, chemtrails, fluoridated water, and mandatory vaccinations.

El Paraíso Verde - Paraguay : Escaping a cult and living free - Tyro Nolan

Saturday 23 November 2024

Paul Warburg - What everyone is getting wrong about Russia's economy

Paul Warburg - What everyone is getting wrong about Russia's economy

Let's talk about the Russian economy, and how it's holding up as Russia wages its war against Ukraine.
I discuss Russia's "war chest", the collapse of the ruble, inflation, and how Vladimir Putin is running out of cash.

Joe Blogs - Russian ruble collapsing

Joe Blogs - Russia Desperate for Cash

Russie - PDF
Economie - PDF

Wednesday 13 November 2024

Liv Heide talk with Gentile Gentleman - - Liv Heide talk with Gentile Gentleman

A married man with a growing family using WhiteDate for pro-white local networking gives us insight into his code of values.
Telegram channel

WhiteDate.Net - Dating Site for Awakened White, Europid People Only. The groups / forum section is free to use to speak openly, make friends with other Whites in your region & build offline communities. Sign up if you want to preserve your folk & cult.