Wolfgang Juchem - Truth and justice versus lies and hatred


Wolfgang Juchem - Truth and justice versus lies and hatred
Germany's fate from a German perspective

English translation by Frank Schmidt
Heimat Publishers
Toronto, Canada

First published in German under the title of
"Wahrheit und Recht gegen Lüge und Hetze"
by Wolfgang Juchem of Aktion Freies Deutschland
Hessen-Lichtenau - Germany

It has been said that the first casualty in a war is the truth. This was proven yet again during the two World Wars, and in the 200 or so conflicts in the latter half of this century in which the superpowers were Involved.
The vilification of Germany and defamation of its people can be traced to April 8, 1904 when Britain and France, who had been bitter rivals for centuries, did an about face when they signed their Entente Cordiale, a "friendly understanding" by which they settled their colonial rivalries in order to lay the groundwork for a war against a resurgent Germany, a long time friend and supporter of England. A similar pact was signed with Czarist Russia on August 31, 1907. This Triple Alliance completed the encirclement of Germany by the three mightiest nations on earth and sealed its fate.
Two great wars have been fought by kindred peoples in the belief that they were fighting for a noble cause. In the Allied countries people believed that their way of life was threatened and the Germans were convinced that their very survival was at stake. People in the West who have been subjected to a lifetime of vicious anti-German propaganda that they actually believed the most ludicrous fabrications, may be shocked to learn that Germany as portrayed by the vicious propaganda mills of the West and Hollywood never existed on German soil.
The old adage that there are two sides to every story does not seem to apply anymore. Hopefully this modest pamphlet, although primarily aimed at Germany's betrayed youth, will help open the eyes of people in the English-speaking world who have also been duped by their media.
Only when ignorance and mistrust are replaced by openness, truth and justice will there be hope for permanent peace on earth.
To paraphrase the Bible: "And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free of misconceptions"

Frank Schmidt

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