Wednesday 24 April 2024

James Kirkpatrick Davis - Spying on America

James Kirkpatrick Davis - Spying on America
The FBI's domestic counter-intelligence program

"COINTELPRO." An acronym for "Counterintelligence Program", this is the code name the FBI gave to the secret operations aimed at five major social and political protest groups - the Communist party, the Socialist Workers Party, the Ku Klux Klan, black nationalist hate groups, and the New Left movement. Spying on America, the first book to chronicle all five of the operations, tells the story of how the FBI, from 1956 until COINTELPRO's exposure in 1971, expanded its domestic surveillance programs and increasingly employed questionable, even unlawful, methods in an effort to disrupt what amounts to virtually our entire social and political protest movement. Violations of citizens' constitutional rights were rampant, and the secret operations actually resulted in a number of deaths. At the time, neither the public nor the news media knew anything about COINTELPRO. In vivid detail, Spying on America demonstrates that the system of checks and balances designed to prevent such occurrences was simply not functioning - until an illegal act uncovered the secret activities. The book opens with the daring raid of a Media, Pennsylvania FBI office by a group that adeptly used its booty - about 1,000 classified documents - to make COINTELPRO operations public. The burglars, who called themselves the Citizen's Commission to Investigate the FBI, used sophisticated methods (the FBI never caught up with them), releasing copies of incriminating documents to the media at carefully timed intervals. Spying on America draws on newspaper and magazine articles, interviews with many of the people involved, and FBI memos to trace the historical beginnings and operating methods of COINTELPRO efforts against each of the five targeted groups. In vivid detail, the author re-creates the reactions of the bureau - including the subsequent policy changes - as well as the response of the news media and the resulting shift in public attitudes toward the FBI. Finally, Davis looks at the possibility of similar operations in the future. In the context of our current, heightened state of socio-political awareness, it is difficult to comprehend how so many unlawful deeds could have been committed without the public's knowledge. Spying on America makes us aware of how easily such activities can occur - and in doing so, helps us prevent them from happening again.

Conspiracy - PDF
United States - PDF

Friday 5 April 2024

Maximilian Saint-George - Lawrence Dennis - A trial on trial

Maximilian Saint-George - Lawrence Dennis - A trial on trial
The great sedition trial of 1944

To the self-sacrificing members of the American Bar, who so ably and gallantly defended that corner-stone of our liberties, freedom of speech, in the Great Sedition Trial at Washington, April 17th to December 7th, 1944, this book is gratefully dedicated.

The Authors : Maximinian J. St.George, Lawrence Dennis

United States - PDF
Second World War - PDF

Tuesday 26 March 2024

Patrick Edery - Six great misunderstandings about Russia - Six grands malentendus à propos de la Russie

Six great misunderstandings about Russia

To read the thoughts of many French opinion leaders and their supporters on social networks about Russia is to despair of humanity. They base almost all their analyses on misunderstandings that can only lead to erroneous conclusions.

The first myth created by the communists and Putin's propaganda is that the USSR (as ideologies are, in our opinion, only passing fads in the lives of nations, we will not distinguish here between Soviet Russia and the USSR) would have liberated us from Nazi Germany. First of all, for France (having to remind the reader of this seems incredible to me), this is false: it was the Anglo-Americans and the Free French forces who liberated us. One could reply that it was thanks to the sacrifice of millions of Soviets that the Anglo-Americans and the FFL were able to liberate us. However, this is neither true nor false. It would be more accurate to say that this sacrifice greatly accelerated the German defeat, which would have happened anyway, and that Stalin used his soldiers as cannon fodder. The Red Army was vastly under-equipped compared to the Germans, but thanks to Russia’s vast territory, lack of infrastructure, climate and total disregard for human life, it managed to stop the Germans. To be convinced of this, it is enough to read General Guillaume, who spoke and read Russian and who, in 1945, was appointed by General Charles de Gaulle as military attaché in Moscow, to understand how such an underdeveloped country was able to resist and defeat part of the German army. The first reason that General Guillaume observed was its absolute indifference to losses, which he believed was linked both to the totalitarian regime and to the Russian culture. It should be stressed again and again that the massive counter-attack by Soviet Russia wouldn’t have reached Berlin without Anglo-American equipment. Stalin and Marshal Zhukov themselves acknowledged this. Half of the Soviets' medium bombers were Anglo-American, as was 92% of the railway equipment produced. The United States and Great Britain delivered nearly 50,000 jeeps, 30,000 motorbikes, 400,000 trucks and artillery tractors that transported Russian troops and their equipment. In addition, the Anglo-Americans provided the Russian troops with 15 million pairs of boots, 16,000 telephones and 28,700 radios for their communications, special fuel for their planes, food, tanks, etc. Even Stalin's organs, the famous Katyusha, were mounted on American trucks.

Faced with the American military-industrial complex, German industry had no chance in the medium term. None at all. Then, go and tell the Poles, Balts, Hungarians, etc., that the Soviets liberated them, when for these peoples it was just one totalitarianism replacing another. Moreover, let us always remember that at the beginning of the war Stalin was Hitler's ally. Without this alliance, Hitler would surely never have attacked France, for fear of having to fight on two fronts two thousand kilometres apart. French airmen died because French Communist workers had sabotaged planes on the production lines in France at the express request of Stalin, who up to the last moment refused to believe that Hitler would betray him. Which is the second misunderstanding.

Putin's imperialist regime is not anti-German-Nazi because of Nazi ideology and its crimes, but because it resents Hitler for betraying Stalin instead of dominating the world together with him. Around Putin, there are many neo-Nazis. The best known of them is the founder of the Russian mercenary Wagner group, who is in charge of Putin's dirty work: Dmitri Outkine, who has even tattooed himself with the SS insignia. One could also mention Joda, leader of the pro-Russian neo-Nazi Donbass militia "Sparta", who was posthumously decorated by Putin in early 2022. Or Putin's intellectual, Aleksander Dugin, founder of the National-Bolshevik Party. With him and a circle of influencers, which is the third misunderstanding, they have been preparing for 15 years a large-scale war against Ukraine, NATO and the West. Through television programmes, massive issues of books and 700 comics for teenagers every year, they promote neo-imperialist and neo-stalinist discourses. This propaganda encourages unbridled revengeful imperialism, rehabilitates Stalin and demonstrates that if Hitler had not been betrayed, Russia and Germany would be the masters of the world today. Prokhanov, Putin's chief influencer, even proudly declares that "Putin is not Yeltsin's successor, but Stalin's". Putin himself says that he felt humiliated when the Berlin Wall fell. The stated aim of this propaganda is to destroy the EU and NATO and get the member states back into a Eurasian union under Russian domination.

And this is the fourth misunderstanding: the entire intelligentsia around Putin rejects the nation-state and considers the pro-Putin French sovereigntists only as useful idiots within the EU. It openly declares itself in favour of the regrouping of nations under or within the Russian empire.

This is the fifth misunderstanding. We believed that Sovietism was just a singularity, whereas it was simply the continuation of Russian imperialism, which for three centuries has been attacking and colonising the neighbouring countries and persecuting and deporting their peoples.

The worst is the sixth misunderstanding: having abandoned all ambition, and therefore political power, the political leaders of Western Europe, their diplomats, their generals, their senior civil servants, their "experts", were unable to see that in Russia, this ambition for power survived intact and was even at its peak. Even today, not only will they admit that they never believed that Russia would invade Ukraine, but that they still do not understand why Putin did it.

Russia - PDF
Communism - PDF

Six grands malentendus à propos de la Russie

Lire les réflexions de nombreux leaders d'opinion français et de leurs partisans sur les réseaux sociaux au sujet de la Russie est à désespérer de l’humanité. Ils fondent presque toutes leurs analyses sur des malentendus qui ne peuvent aboutir qu'à des conclusions erronées.

Le premier mythe instauré par les communistes et la propagande poutinienne est que l'URSS (les idéologies n'étant à notre sens que des passades dans la vie des nations, nous parlerons indistinctement de Russie soviétique ou d'URSS) nous aurait libérés de l'Allemagne nazie. Tout d'abord, factuellement, pour la France (il me semble incroyable de devoir le rappeler), c'est faux : ce sont les Anglo-Américains et les forces françaises libres qui nous ont libérés. On pourrait répondre que c'est grâce au sacrifice de millions de Soviétiques qu'Anglo-Américains et FFL ont pu nous libérer. Cependant, cela n'est ni vrai ni faux. Il serait plus juste de dire que ce sacrifice a grandement accéléré la défaite allemande, qui se serait tout de même produite, et que Staline a utilisé ses soldats comme de la chair à canon. L'armée rouge, face aux Allemands, était très largement sous-équipée, mais grâce à son immense territoire, son manque d'infrastructures, son climat et son mépris total de la vie humaine, elle a réussi à arrêter les Allemands. Pour s'en convaincre, il suffit de lire le général Guillaume, qui parlait et lisait le russe et qui, en 1945, a été nommé par le général Charles de Gaulle attaché militaire à Moscou, pour comprendre comment un pays si sous-développé avait pu résister et battre une partie de l'armée allemande. La première raison que retiendra le général Guillaume est l'indifférence absolue face aux pertes, liée, selon lui, tant au régime totalitaire qu'à la culture russe. On ne le dira jamais assez, mais la contre-attaque massive de la Russie soviétique pour arriver jusqu'à Berlin est réalisée grâce au matériel anglo-américain. Staline et le maréchal Joukov eux-mêmes le reconnaîtront. La moitié des bombardiers moyens des Soviétiques sont anglo-américains, ainsi que 92% des équipements ferroviaires produits. Les États-Unis et la Grande-Bretagne leur ont livré près de 50 000 Jeeps, 30 000 motos, 400 000 camions et tracteurs d'artillerie qui ont transporté les troupes russes et leur matériel. Les Anglo-Américains ont en plus chaussé les troupes russes avec 15 millions de paires de bottes, assuré leurs communications avec 16 000 téléphones et 28 700 radios, fourni les carburants spéciaux pour leurs avions, la nourriture, les tanks, etc. Même les orgues de Staline, les fameuses Katioucha, étaient montées sur des camions américains.

Face au complexe militaro-industriel américain, l'industrie allemande n'avait aucune chance à moyen terme. Aucune. Ensuite, allez dire à des Polonais, Baltes, Hongrois, etc., que les Soviétiques les ont libérés, alors que pour ces peuples, c'est un totalitarisme qui a remplacé un autre. D'ailleurs, rappelons-nous toujours qu'au début de la guerre, Staline était l'allié de Hitler. Sans cette alliance, Hitler n'aurait sûrement jamais attaqué la France, de peur de devoir se battre sur deux fronts distants de deux mille kilomètres. Des aviateurs français sont morts parce que des ouvriers communistes français avaient saboté, sur les chaînes de production en France, des avions à la demande expresse de Staline. Staline, qui jusqu'au dernier moment, a refusé de croire qu'Hitler allait le trahir. Et d'ailleurs, c'est le deuxième malentendu.

Le régime impérialiste de Poutine n'est pas anti-germano-nazi en raison de l'idéologie nazie et de ses crimes, mais parce qu'il en veut à Hitler d'avoir trahi Staline au lieu de dominer le monde ensemble. Autour de Poutine, il y a de nombreux néo-nazis, dont le plus connu est le fondateur des mercenaires du groupe russe Wagner, chargé des basses œuvres pour Poutine : Dmitri Outkine, qui s'est même tatoué les insignes de la SS. On pourrait également citer Joda, chef de la milice pro-russe néo-nazie du Donbass "Sparta", qui a été décoré à titre posthume par Poutine début 2022. Ou encore l'intellectuel de Poutine, Aleksander Douguine, fondateur du parti national-bolchévique. Avec lui et un cercle d'influenceurs, et c'est le troisième malentendu, ils préparent depuis 15 ans une guerre à grande échelle contre l'Ukraine, l'OTAN et l'Occident. Via des émissions de télévision, une grande production de livres et 700 BD pour adolescents chaque année, ils promeuvent des discours néo-impérialistes et néostaliniens. Cette propagande encourage un impérialisme revanchard sans limite, réhabilite Staline et démontre que si Hitler n'avait pas trahi, la Russie et l'Allemagne seraient aujourd'hui les maîtres du monde. Prokhanov, l'influenceur en chef de Poutine, déclare même fièrement que "Poutine n'est pas le successeur d'Eltsine, mais de Staline". Poutine lui-même affirme qu'il s'est senti humilié lors de la chute du mur de Berlin. Le but affiché de cette propagande est de détruire l'UE et l'OTAN pour récupérer les États membres dans une union eurasienne sous domination russe.

Et c'est le quatrième malentendu : toute l'intelligentsia autour de Poutine rejette l'État-nation et ne considère les souverainistes français pro-Poutine que comme des idiots utiles au sein de l'UE. Elle se déclare ouvertement pour le regroupement des nations sous l'empire russe ou au sein de celui-ci.

C'est là le cinquième malentendu. Nous avons cru que le soviétisme était une singularité, alors que ce n'était que la continuité de l'impérialisme russe qui, depuis trois siècles, attaque, colonise les pays voisins et persécute et déporte leurs peuples.

Le pire étant le sixième malentendu : ayant abandonné toute ambition, et donc politique, de puissance, les dirigeants politiques d’Europe occidentale, leurs diplomates, leurs généraux, leurs hauts fonctionnaires, leurs « experts », n’ont pas pu voir que chez la Russie, cette ambition de puissance était intacte et qu'elle était même à son paroxysme. Encore aujourd’hui, non seulement ils avoueront n’avoir jamais cru que la Russie envahirait l’Ukraine, mais qu’ils ne comprennent toujours pas pourquoi Poutine l’a fait.

Russie - PDF
Bolchévisme - PDF

Léon Degrelle - Sire, Vous et moi - Lettre ouverte au Roi des Beiges
Andrei Vladimirovich Sokolov - Dans le royaume de la famine et de la haine : La Russie bolcheviste
Joseph Douillet - Moscou sans voiles
George Orwell - 1984
Deirdre Manifold - Karl Marx : Vrai ou faux prophète ?
J. B. E. Goldstein - Théorie et pratique du collectivisme oligarchique
Kalixt de Wolski - La Pologne : Sa gloire, ses souffrances, ses évolutions
Kalixt de Wolski - La Russie juive
Josef Landowsky - Symphonie en rouge majeur : Une radiographie de la révolution
Frederico de Echeverria - L'Espagne en flammes
Léon Trotski - Staline
Ferdinand Ossendowski - Bêtes, hommes et dieux : L'énigme du Roi du Monde
Adrien Arcand - Le communisme installé chez nous
Charles Lucieto - Les sept têtes du dragon vert
Alfred Rosenberg - L'heure décisive de la lutte entre l'Europe et le bolchevisme

Saturday 16 March 2024

Charles Morris - The Aryan Race

Charles Morris - The Aryan Race
Its origins and its achievements

A beautifully-written cultural history of the Aryan peoples.
It includes an overview of the development of ancient aryan households, farming arrangements, legal systems, culture, religion, language and political development. Read of the tales from the Rig-Vedas, their similarity to the Greek and Roman myths, and the parallels with the Norse Edda and even Cúchulainn in Ireland. It is a treasure-trove of facts, myths and storytelling which reflects the collective genius of the Aryan people across the centuries.

Races - PDF
Civilizations - PDF

Saturday 10 February 2024

Frederick Julius Pohl - Atlantic crossings before Columbus

Frederick Julius Pohl - Atlantic crossings before Columbus

Frederick Julius Pohl (August 18, 1889 – February 21, 1991) was a prolific playwright, literary critic, editor and book author. He is best known for his historical books about pre-Columbian trans-oceanic contact by Europeans, including the Vikings and others.
Pohl was the husband of playwright/author Josephine McIlvain Pollitt (October 15, 1890 - August 1978; married Frederick in May 1926) and later Loretta M. Baker (née Champagne, 1906 - April 27, 2002; married Frederick in 1980). He graduated from Amherst College in 1911 and from Columbia University in 1914 with a Master of Arts.

Forbidden History - PDF
America - PDF
Scandinavia - PDF