Inquire Within - Trail of the serpent


Inquire Within (Christina M. Stoddard)
Trail of the serpent

Christina M. Stoddard was the author of Light-bearers of Darkness (1930) and The Trail of the Serpent (1935). She published under the pseudonym "Inquire Within".

Chapter 1
Sabeism. Eleusis and Mithras

Chapter 2
Cabalists, Gnostics, and Secret Syrian Sects

Chapter 3
Rosicrucians and Illuminés

Chapter 4
Weishaupt's Illuminati and the French Revolution

Chapter 5
Carbonari, Mazzini, l'Alliance-israélite-universelle and Karl Marx

Chapter 6
The Jewish Question

Chapter 7
Continental Freemasonry

Chapter 8
Theosophy and India. Co-masonry

Chapter 9
Rudolf Steiner and Anthroposophy

Chapter 10
Fraternity of Inner Light and Yoga

Chapter 11
Aleister Crowley and the Golden Dawn

Chapter 12
American Groups

Chapter 13
Secret Societies in America, Tibet, and China

Chapter 14
The Synarchy of Agarttha

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