Dr. Hermann Greife - Slave Labor in Soviet Russia


Hermann Greife - Slave Labor in Soviet Russia

Originally published in Nazi Germany as "Jewish Run Concentration Camps in the Soviet Union"; republished in the United States of America by Gerald Winrod, "the Jayhawk Nazi"; a remarkable historical document.

THE world today is comparatively well informed about the fate of the compulsion workers in the Soviet Union. But little is known about the concentration camps where conditions are so gruesome as to be almost unbelievable. Many people find it difficult to realize that this state of affairs can exist in the twentieth century.
This explains why the descriptions about compulsion labor in the Soviet Union are sometimes sceptically received.
This presentation of investigations is, therefore, based exclusively on actual reports of the government-controlled Soviet press and official governmental records. The photographs are also taken from official Soviet sources thereby providing a possibility for everyone to verify for himself the interpretations.
We wish to point out that all illustrations in this brochure are true reproductions of originals as they appeared in the official Soviet publication: ''Stalin White Sea Canal" or in Soviet newspapers. We could not afford to disturb the poor quality of these pictures by retouching them as they reflect true conditions existing in the U. S. S. R.
It is not our aim to present a complete and exhaustive account of the actual number of prisoners, the numbers put to death, the distribution of concentration camps, etc., bub rather to give a cross-cut of the life of those condemned to this form of living death—true and without exaggeration as conditions really are.
H. G.

D. Petrovsky - La Russie sous les juifs Gerald Burton Winrod - Adam Weishaupt a Human