March 2020

Monday 30 March 2020

Denys L'Aréopagite - Le Livre de la hiérarchie céleste

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Denys L'Aréopagite - Le Livre de la hiérarchie céleste
Suivi de La Théologie Mystique et de Lettres de Denys

Traduit du grec par Georges Darboy

Tout vient de Dieu et retourne à Dieu, les réalités et la science que nous en avons. Une véritable unité subsiste au fond de la multiplicité, et les choses qui se voient sont comme le vêtement symbolique des choses qui ne se voient pas. C'est donc une loi du monde que ce qui est supérieur se reflète en ce qui est inférieur, et que des formes sensibles représentent les substances purement spirituelles, et qui ne peuvent être amenées sous les sens. Ainsi la sublime nature de Dieu, et, à plus forte raison, la nature des esprits célestes, peuvent être dépeintes sous l'emblème obscur des êtres corporels : mais il y a une racine unique et un type suprême de ces reproductions multiples.

Or, entre l'unité, principe et fin ultérieure de tout, et les créatures, qui n'ont en elles ni leur raison , ni leur terme, il y a un milieu qui est à la fois science et action, connaissance et énergie, et qui, expression mystérieuse de la bonté incréée, 178 nous donne de la connaitre, de l'aimer et de l'imiter : ce milieu, c'est la hiérarchie, institution sacrée, savante et forte, qui purifie, illumine et perfectionne, et ainsi nous ramène à Dieu, qui est pureté, lumière et perfection.

Telle est en particulier la hiérarchie des Anges, ainsi nommés parce que, élevés par la bonté divine à un plus haut degré d'être, ils peuvent recevoir une plus grande abondance des bienfaits célestes, et les transmettre aux êtres inférieurs : car Dieu ne se manifeste pas aux hommes directement et par lui-même, mais médiatement et par des ambassadeurs (ἄγγελος). Ce nom d'anges désigne proprement les derniers des esprits bienheureux ; mais il peut très-bien s'appliquer aussi aux plus sublimes, qui possèdent éminemment ce qui appartient à leurs subordonnés, tandis qu'au contraire on ne doit pas toujours étendre réciproquement aux plus humbles rangs de la milice céleste ce qui convient aux premiers rangs.

En effet, les pures intelligences ne sont pas toutes de la même dignité ; mais elles sont distribuées en trois hiérarchies, dont chacune comprend trois ordres. Chaque ordre a son nom particulier ; et, parce que tout nom est l'expression d'une réalité, chaque ordre a véritablement ses propriétés et ses fonctions distinctes et spéciales. Ainsi les Séraphins sont lumière et chaleur, les Chérubins science et sagesse , les Trônes constance et fixité : telle apparaît la première hiérarchie. Les Dominations se nomment de la sorte, à cause de leur sublime affranchissement de toute chose fausse et vile ; les Vertus doivent ce titre à la mâle et invincible vigueur qu'elles déploient dans leurs fondions sacrées ; le nom des Puissances rappelle la force de leur autorité et le bon ordre dans lequel elles se présentent à l'influence divine : ainsi est caractérisée la deuxième hiérarchie. Les Principautés savent se guider elles-mêmes et diriger invariablement les autres vers Dieu ; les Archanges tiennent aux Principautés en ce qu'ils gouvernent les Anges, et aux Anges, en ce qu'ils remplissent parfois, comme eux, la mission d'ambassadeurs: telle est la troisième hiérarchie. Tels sont les neuf chœurs de l'armée céleste.

La première hiérarchie, plus proche de la Divinité, se purifie, s'illumine et se perfectionne plus parfaitement ; elle préside à l'initiation de la deuxième, qui participe, en sa mesure propre , à la pureté, à la lumière et à la perfection, et devient à son tour peur la troisième le canal et l'instrument des grâces divines. 179 Même les choses se passent ainsi dans chaque ordre, et tout esprit reçoit, au degré où il en est capable , un écoulement plus ou moins direct ou médiat de la pureté non souillée , de la lumière surabondante. de la perfection sans limites.

Ainsi tous les membres de la hiérarchie ont ceci de semblable, qu'ils participent à la même grâce, et ceci de différent, qu'ils n'y participent pas à un égal titre, ni avec un égal résultat. Et voilà la double cause de la distinction permanente qu'on reconnaît entre eux, et de l'identité des noms que parfois on leur donne ; tellement que, si les hommes eux-mêmes étaient appelés à exercer des fonctions jusqu'à un certain point angéliques, on pourrait les nommer des Anges.

Ces principes expliquent suffisamment le sens et la raison des formes corporelles sous le voile desquelles sont représentés les Anges. Elles devront être le signe des propriétés qu'ils ont, des fonctions qu'ils remplissent. Ainsi les choses matérielles trouvent leur type dans les esprits , et les esprits en Dieu , qui est tout en tous.

Denys L'Aréopagite - PDF

Sunday 29 March 2020

The Nameless War - Audiobook - Archibald Ramsay

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Archibald Ramsay - The nameless war - Audiobook
Read by Pastor Eli James
PDF of the Book

A dramatic historical work which blames the behind-the-scenes Jewish lobby in Britain for forcing that country into war in 1939 against Nazi Germany, written by a leading Member of Parliament for the British Conservative Party and confidant of then Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain.

The author - imprisoned without trial by the Churchill government for opposing the war - starts with an overview of the Jewish lobby's involvement in revolutionary activity in Britain, France and Germany, and then moves on to discuss the Jewish declaration of war against Germany in 1933 as the point at which it was determined that there would be a physical war.

He also reveals much behind-the-scenes details of how the build-up to the war was engineered, the Churchill government's staring and use of the systematic mass bombing of civilians as a means of spreading error, and of the backdoor machinations to bring the United States of America into the war. He then discusses his own detention under the infamous "Regulation 18B" and its after effects.

"Here is the story that people have said would never be written in our time - the true history of events leading up to the Second World War, told by one who enjoyed the friendship and confidence of Mr. Neville Chamberlain during the critical months between Munich and September, 1939.

There has long been an unofficial ban on books dealing with what Captain Ramsay calls "The Nameless War", the conflict which has been waged from behind the political scene for centuries, which is still being waged and of which very few are aware.

The publishers of The Nameless War believe this latest exposure will do more than any previous attempt to break the conspiracy of silence.

The present work, with much additional evidence and a fuller historical background, is the outcome of the personal experiences of a public figure who in the course of duty has discovered at first-hand the existence of a centuries old conspiracy against Britain, Europe, and the whole of Christendom.

"The Nameless War" reveals an unsuspected link between all the major revolutions in Europe - from King Charles I's time to the abortive attempt against Spain in 1936. One source of inspiration, design and supply is shown to be common to all of them.

These revolutions and the World War of 1939 are seen to be integral parts of one and the same master plan.

After a brief review of the forces behind the declaration of war and the world wide arrests of many who endeavoured to oppose them, the author describes the anatomy of the Revolutionary International machine - the machine which today continues the plan for supranational world power, the age-old Messianic dream of International Jewry.

It is the author's belief that the machine would break down without the support of its unwilling Jews and unsuspecting Gentiles and he puts forward suggestions for detaching these elements."

Archibald Ramsay - The nameless war - Read by John de Nugent

Captain Archibald Maule Ramsay was educated at Eton and the Royal Military College, Sandhurst, and served with the 2nd Battalion Coldstream Guards in the First World War until he was severely wounded in 1916-thereafter at Regimental H.Q. and the War Office and the British War Mission in Paris until the end of the war. From 1920 he became a Member of H.M. Scottish Bodyguard. In 1931 he was elected a Member of Parliament for Midlothian and Peeblesshire. Arrested under Regulation 18b on the 23rd May, 1940, he was detained, without charge or trial, in a cell in Brixton Prison until the 26th September, 1944. On the following morning he resumed his seat in the House of Commons and remained there until the end of that Parliament in 1945.

World War 2 - PDF


Friday 27 March 2020

Alfred-Maurice de Zayas - A Terrible Revenge

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Alfred-Maurice de Zayas - A Terrible Revenge
The Ethnic Cleansing of the East European Germans, 1944-1950

The fate of fifteen million German civilians who found themselves on the wrong side of new postwar borders. All over Eastern Europe, the inhabitants of communities that had been established for many centuries were either expelled or killed. Over two million Germans did not survive. In A Terrible Revenge, de Zayas describes this horrible retribution.

Bolchevik - PDF
Third Reich - PDF
Revisionism - PDF

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Thursday 26 March 2020

Michael Levin - Why race matters

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Michael Levin - Why race matters

Michael Levin was born in Brooklyn, NY, in 1943. He attended Stuyvesant High School, Michigan State University, and Columbia University, where he received a Ph.D. in Philosophy in 1969. He teaches at the College of the City of New York (CCNY) and the Graduate Center of the City University of New York. His position at CCNY was threatened in 1991 by an attempt to revoke his tenure because of his public statements on race differences. Prof. Levin has written four books, including Metaphysics and the Mind-Body Problem and Feminism and Freedom. He is co-author, with Laurence Thomas, of Sexual Orientation and Human Rights. Prof. Levin has published widely in professional journals, magazines and newspapers. He is the father of two grown sons, and currently lives with his wife in New York City. He has run in five New York City marathons.

This is the most rigorous, comprehensive treatment of race differences ever published. Philosopher Michael Levin's classic work first appeared in 1997 but quickly went out of print. Used copies sold for as much as $500.00. New Century Foundation has now published a completely reset, corrected edition, with a foreword by Jared Taylor. Anyone with an interest in race and the courage to follow the scientific data wherever they lead will find a goldmine of information, analysis, and wisdom in this classic treatment of one of the most profoundly important - and taboo - subjects of our time.
Experts in the field have lavished praise on Why Race Matters : Professor Michael Levin's analytical tour de force, remarkably engrossing, often exciting, differs uniquely from other books dealing with racial differences. Levin views the various complex arguments regarding the reality and nature of race and race differences, not from any of the typical specialized viewpoints of anthropology, education, evolution, genetics, psychology, or sociology, or from any social or political ideology, but from the sweeping vantage point of the philosophy of science, his specialty as a well-recognized professor of philosophy. Levin's impressive technical mastery of the vast empirical subject matter is evinced in his book's amazingly broad and detailed scope and analytical depth.
But what I consider the most valuable and exciting feature of Levin's treatment of every facet of the race issue is the consistent critical stance his incisive intellect brings to every aspect, based entirely on his keen understanding of the philosophy of science. It is definitely a "must read" for all serious students of this subject. - Arthur R. Jensen, U.C. Berkeley Philosopher Michael Levin has delivered one of the most authoritative and incisive treatises ever written on the importance of race. Why Race Matters is must reading for anyone interested in race, IQ, crime, welfare, affirmative action, and multiculturalism. Levin analyzes statistics, psychological test scores, and behavioral genetics data, brilliantly illuminating the logical pitfalls in so much of what is written about race. His powerful logic digs deep and his courageous inferences vault forward. With panache and occasional humor, Levin seems to be always on target. - J. Philippe Rushton, University of Western Ontario Why Race Matters does everything the title promises - it removes all illusions about the insignificance of race, and explains what racial differences mean for a multiracial society.
It is a thorough, overwhelmingly convincing treatment of America's most serious and least understood problem. - Jared Taylor, Editor, American Renaissance.

William Luther Pierce - PDF
Jared Taylor - PDF
Races - PDF
Eugenics - PDF

Tuesday 24 March 2020

John Plaster - The ultimate sniper

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John Plaster - The ultimate sniper
An advanced training manual for military and police snipers

When John Plasters The Ultimate Sniper was released in 1993, it was hailed as an instant classic in the sniping community, influencing an entire generation of military and police marksmen around the world. Now, this revolutionary book has been completely updated and expanded for the 21st century.Through revised text, new photos, specialised illustrations, updated charts and additional information sidebars, The Ultimate Sniper once again thoroughly details the three great skill areas of sniping; marksmanship, fieldcraft and tactics.This new edition includes the latest tactics and techniques from the frontlines of the War on Terror, including the mountains, deserts and urban areas of the Middle East and Central Asia; analysis of evolving techniques including lasers, night vision, FLIR and ballistics programmes; an all-new chapter on countersniping lessons learned in Iraq and Afghanistan; and detailed ballistics and trajectory data for sniper ammunition.

Weapons and explosives - PDF
Survival - PDF
Urban riots - PDF

Saturday 21 March 2020

Jacques de Mahieu - Drakkares en el Amazonas

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Jacques de Mahieu - Drakkares en el Amazonas

Las guerreras blancas
Estamos en el año 1542. A las órdenes del capitán Francisco de Orellana, cincuenta y siete españoles descienden, y es la primera vez desde la Conquista que se emprende esta aventura, el Gran Río que algunos llaman Marañón y que, ya se lo sabe, desemboca en el Atlántico. Disponen de dos bergantines —grandes canoas primitivas sin puente—:, el más grande de los cuales debe de tener unos veinte metros de eslora por dos de manga y uno de fondo. Con vela y con remos, avanzan lentamente, a pesar de la corriente favorable, pues carecen de guías indios y se extravían frecuentemente en el laberinto de los brazos secundarios delrío-mar. Desde hace unos días, están acampando en la isla de los Tupinambás, que nuestros mapas llaman Santa Rita.
Una vez más, los indígenas los atacan. Pero, hoy, no están solos.
"Han de saber, escribe al P. Gaspar de Carvajal, capellán de la expedición, que ellos los atacantes son subjectos y tributarios a las amazonas, y sabida nuestra venida, vanles a pedir socorro y vinieron hasta diez o doce,que éstas vimos nosotros, que andaban peleando delante de todos los indios como capitanas, y peleaban ellas tan animosamente que los indios no osaban volver las espaldas, y al que las volvía, delante de nosotros lo mataban a palos, y ésta es la causa por donde los indios se defendían tanto.

Jacques de Mahieu - Le grand voyage du dieu-soleil
Jacques de Mahieu - Os Vikings no Brasil
Jacques de Mahieu - Précis de Biopolitique
Jacques de Mahieu - La Agonia del Dios Sol
Jacques de Mahieu - El imperio vikingo de Tiahuanacu
Jacques de Mahieu - El gran viaje del Dios-Sol
Jacques de Mahieu - La geografía secreta de América
Jacques de Mahieu - I Templari in America

Jacques de Mahieu - Vidéos
Jacques de Mahieu - PDF

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Les Vikings ont fondé les anciennes civilisations d'Amérique - Source PaganTV
Les Vikings sont l'une des clés de voûte de l'histoire du monde, mais il y a énormément de désinformations et de diffamations à leur sujet. Les mayas, les aztèques, les nahuals et leurs fabuleuses pyramides, tous les mystères s'expliquent à condition de ne pas gober tous les mensonges répandus sur les Vikings.

Wednesday 18 March 2020

Coronavirus EP1694829B1 - Fascicule de brevet européen

Coronavirus EP1694829B1 - Fascicule de brevet européen - PDF
Coronavirus EP1694829B1 - Vidéo - Bittube - Source

Date de publication et mention de la délivrance du brevet :
04.08.2010 Bulletin 2010/31
(21) Numéro de dépôt: 04805625.3
(22) Date de dépôt: 02.12.2004
(51) Int Cl.:
C12N 7/00 (2006.01)
(86) Numéro de dépôt international :
(87) Numéro de publication internationale :
WO 2005/056584 (23.06.2005 Gazette 2005/25)


Etats contractants désignés :
(30) Priorité: 02.12.2003 FR 0314151
02.12.2003 FR 0314152
(43) Date de publication de la demande :
30.08.2006 Bulletin 2006/35
(60) Demande divisionnaire :
(73) Titulaires:
75724 Paris Cedex 15 (FR)
75794 Paris Cedex 16 (FR)
75251 Paris Cedex 05 (FR)
(72) Inventeurs:
- VAN DER WERF, Sylvie
F-91190 Gif-sur-yvette (FR)
- ESCRIOU, Nicolas
F-75014 Paris (FR)
F-92200 Neuilly-sur-seine (FR)
- MANUGUERRA, Jean-Claude
F-75018 Paris (FR)
- KUNST, Frederik,
Inst. Pasteur
Bureau des Brevets et Inventions
75724 Paris Cedex 15 (FR)
F- 92000 Nanterre (FR)
BETTON, Jean-Michel
75014 Paris (FR)
- LORIN, Valérie
92120 Montrouge (FR)
- GERBAUD, Sylvie
94100 Saint Maur Des Fosses (FR)
- BURGUIERE, Ana Maria
92140 Clamart (FR)
- AZEBI, Saliha
94400 Vitry-sur-seine (FR)
- CHARNEAU, Pierre
75005 Paris (FR)
- TANGY, Frédéric
93260 Les Lilas (FR)
- COMBREDET, Chantal
75017 Paris (FR)
- DELAGNEAU, Jean-François
78170 La Celle Saint Cloud (FR)
- MARTIN, Monique
92290 Chatenay Malabry (FR)
(74) Mandataire: Marcadé, Véronique et al
Cabinet Ores
36, rue de St Pétersbourg
75008 Paris (FR)
(56) Documents cités:
- DATABASE EMBL 22 avril 2003 (2003-04-22),
XP002294758 Database accession no. AY278489
- DATABASE EMBL 10 juin 2003 (2003-06-10),
XP002294760 Database accession no. AY290752
- DATABASE UNIPROT 10 octobre 2003
(2003-10-10), XP002294761 Database accession
no. P59595

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Le Grand Monarque - Covid-19 CoronaVirus - 2 - 16 mars 2020

Le Grand Monarque - Covid-19 CoronaVirus - 1 - 13 mars 2020

Tuesday 17 March 2020

Peter C. Gotzsche - Deadly medicines and organised crime

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Peter C. Gotzsche - Deadly medicines and organised crime

The big epidemics of infectious and parasitic diseases that previously took many lives are now under control in most countries. We have learned how to prevent and treat AIDS, cholera, malaria, measles, plague and tuberculosis, and we have eradicated smallpox. The death tolls of AIDS and malaria are still very high, but that’s not because we don’t know how to deal with them. It has more to do with income inequalities and the excessive costs of life-saving drugs for people in lowincome countries.
Unfortunately, we now suffer from two man-made epidemics, tobacco and prescription drugs, both of which are hugely lethal. In the United States and Europe,

drugs are the third leading cause of death after heart disease and cancer.

I shall explain in this book why this is so and what we can do about it. If drug deaths had been an infectious disease, or a heart disease or a cancer caused by environmental pollution, there would have been countless patient advocacy groups raising money to combat it and far-ranging political initiatives. I have diffculty understanding that – since it is drugs, people do nothing.
The tobacco and the drug industries have much in common. The morally repugnant disregard for human lives is the norm. The tobacco companies are proud that they have increased sales in vulnerable low-income and middle-income countries, and without a trace of irony or shame, Imperial Tobacco’s management team reported to investors in 2011 that the UK-based company won a Gold Award rating in a corporate responsibility index.

The tobacco companies see ‘many opportunities … to develop our business’, which the Lancet described as ‘selling, addicting, and killing, surely the most cruel and corrupt business model human beings could have invented’.

Tobacco executives know they are peddling death and so do drug company executives. It is no longer possible to hide the fact that tobacco is a major killer, but the drug industry has done surprisingly well in hiding that its drugs are also a major killer. I shall describe in this book how drug companies have deliberately hidden lethal harms of their drugs by fraudulent behaviour, both in research and marketing, and by firm denials when confronted with the facts. Just like the chief tobacco executives each testified at a US Congressional hearing in 1994 that nicotine wasn’t addictive, although they had known for decades that this was a lie.2 Philip Morris, the US tobacco giant, set up a research company that documented the dangers of sidestream smoke, but even though more than 800 scientific reports were produced none were published.
Both industries use hired guns. When robust research has shown that a product is dangerous, numerous substandard studies are produced saying the opposite, which confuse the public because – as journalists will tell you – ‘researchers disagree’. This doubt industry is very effective at distracting people into ignoring the harms; the industry buys time while people continue to die.

This is corruption. Corruption has many meanings and what I generally understand by it is how it is defined in my own dictionary, which is moral decay. Another meaning is bribery, which may mean a secret payment, usually in cash, for a service that would otherwise not be rendered, or at least not so quickly. However, as we shall see, corruption in healthcare has many faces,

including payment for a seemingly noble activity, which might be nothing else than a pretence for handing over money to a substantial part of the medical profession.
The characters in Aldous Huxley’s novel from 1932, Brave New World, can take Soma pills every day to give them control over their lives and keep troubling thoughts away. In the United States, TV commercials urge the public to do exactly the same. They depict unhappy characters that regain control and look happy as soon as they have taken a pill. We have already superseded Huxley’s wildest imaginations and drug use is still increasing. In Denmark, for example, we use so many drugs that every citizen, whether sick or healthy, can be in treatment with 1.4 adult daily doses of a drug every day, from cradle to grave. Although many drugs are life-saving, one might suspect that it is harmful to medicate our societies to such an extent, and I shall document that this is indeed the case.
The main reason we take so many drugs is that drug companies don’t sell drugs, they sell lies about drugs. Blatant lies that – in all the cases I have studied – have continued after the statements were proven wrong. This is what makes drugs so different from anything else in life. If we wish to buy a car or a house, we may judge for ourselves whether it’s a good or a bad buy, but if we are offered a drug, we have no such possibility. Virtually everything we know about drugs is what the companies have chosen to tell us and our doctors. Perhaps I should explain what I mean by a lie. A lie is a statement that isn’t true, but a person who tells a lie is not necessarily a liar. Drug salespeople tell many lies, but they have often been deceived by their superiors in the company who deliberately withhold the truth from them (and are therefore liars, as I see it). In his nice little book On Bullshit, moral philosopher Harry Frankfurt says that one of the salient features of our culture is that there is so much bullshit, which he considers short of lying.

My book is not about the well-known benefits of drugs such as our great successes with treating infections, heart diseases, some cancers, and hormone deficiencies like type 1 diabetes. The book addresses a general system failure caused by widespread crime, corruption and impotent drug regulation in need of radical reforms. Some readers will find my book onesided and polemic, but there is little point in describing what goes well in a system that is out of social control. If a criminologist undertakes a study of muggers, no one expects a ‘balanced’ account mentioning that many muggers are good family men.
If you don’t think the system is out of control, please email me and explain why drugs are the third leading cause of death in the part of the world that uses most drugs. If such a hugely lethal epidemic had been caused by a new bacterium or a virus, or even one-hundredth of it, we would have done everything we could to get it under control. The tragedy is that we could easily get our drug epidemic under control, but our politicians who hold the power to make changes do virtually nothing. When they act, they usually make matters worse because they have been so heavily lobbied by the industry that they have come to believe all its luring myths, which I shall debunk in every chapter of the book.
The main problem with our healthcare system is that the financial incentives that drive it seriously impede the rational, economical and safe use of drugs. The drug industry prospers on this and exerts tight information control. The research literature on drugs is systematically distorted through trials with flawed designs and analyses, selective publication of trials and data, suppression of unwelcome results, and ghostwritten papers. Ghostwriters write manuscripts for hire without revealing their identity in the papers, which have influential doctors as ‘authors’, although they have contributed little or nothing to the manuscript. This scientific misconduct sells drugs.
Compared to other industries, the pharmaceutical industry is the biggest defrauder of the US federal government under the False Claims Act. The general public seems to know what the drug industry stands for. In an opinion poll that asked 5000 Danes to rank 51 industries in terms of the confidence they had in them, the drug industry came second to the bottom, only superseded by automobile repair companies. A US poll also ranked the drug industry at the bottom, together with tobacco and oil companies. In another survey,
79% of US citizens said the drug industry was doing a good job in 1997, which fell to 21% in 2005, an extraordinarily rapid decline in public trust.
On this background, it seems somewhat contradictory that patients have great confidence in the medicines their doctors prescribe for them. But I am sure the reason patients trust their medicine is that they extrapolate the trust they have in their doctors into the medicines they prescribe. The patients don’t realise that, although their doctors may know a lot about diseases and human physiology and psychology, they know very, very little about drugs that hasn’t been carefully concocted and dressed up by the drug industry. Furthermore, they don’t know that their doctors may have self-serving motives for choosing certain drugs for them, or that many of the crimes committed by the drug industry wouldn’t be possible if doctors didn’t contribute to them.
It is dificult to change systems and it is not surprising that people who have to live with a faulty system try to make the most out of it, even though it often results in well-intentioned people doing bad things. However, many people at senior levels in the drug industry cannot be excused in this way, as they have deliberately told lies to doctors, patients, regulators and judges. I dedicate this book to the many honest people working in the drug industry who are equally appalled as I am about the repetitive criminal actions of their superiors and their harmful consequences for the patients and our national economies. Some of these insiders have told me they would wish their top bosses were sent to jail, as the threat of this is the only thing that might deter them from continuing committing crimes.

Peter C. Gotzsche - PDF

Sunday 15 March 2020

Piero San Giorgio - Vol West - Rues barbares

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Piero San Giorgio - Vol West - Rues barbares
Survivre en ville

Comment survivre en ville ? Le monde va mal. Nous entrons dans une période d'accélération et de convergence de problèmes considérables : surpopulation, pénurie de pétrole et de matières premières, dérèglements climatiques, mondialisation débridée, dettes colossales, crises économiques, politiques, sociales, alimentaires, sanitaires... Il est à craindre que tout effondrement de vie « normale », temporaire ou de longue durée, prendra le plus grand nombre d'entre nous au dépourvu et nous plongera, avec nos familles et nos amis, dans un monde sans pitié, entre famines et violences, entre révoltes et guerres. Et pour la majorité de la population qui vit en ville, dans de véritables rues barbares, ces crises n'en seront que plus grandes, que plus dures. Pour Piero San Giorgio, auteur du best-seller « Survivre à l'effondrement économique », et pour Vol West, auteur du blog « Le Survivaliste » la survie est une préoccupation quotidienne. Dans ce livre, ils partagent leurs expériences et leur savoir-faire. Eau, nourriture, hygiène, défense, lien social... en conditions de crises économiques, sociales et sanitaires majeures... vous saurez tout sur la mise en place d'une véritable Base Autonome Durable urbaine ! Si vous ne lisez pas ce livre, nous ne donnons pas cher de votre peau d'habitant urbain ! Etes-vous prêt ? Attachez vos ceintures, enfilez votre gilet pare-balles, c'est parti !

Survie - PDF

Saturday 7 March 2020

Canada : La transition de genre d’une ado forcée par l’état - Information Très Vraie

Canada : La transition de genre d’une ado forcée par l’état

Au cours des 11 derniers mois, Robert Hoogland, un père de famille du Surrey, en Colombie-Britannique, a été contraint de regarder sa fille de 14 ans être "détruite et stérilisée" par des injections de testostérone ordonnées par le tribunal. Après avoir perdu son appel légal pour arrêter le processus en janvier, Rob (précédemment anonymisé sous le nom de "Clark" ou "CD") fait une tentative désespérée pour porter son cas devant les tribunaux de l'opinion publique, même si cela brise une ordonnance du tribunal exigeant son silence sur l'affaire.

Heartbroken dad of trans teen breaks gag to beg for end of ‘state-sponsored child abuse’
Laura Lynn Tyler Thompson - Entrevue avec Robert Hoogland contre la mutilation des enfants

Information Très Vraie

Information Très Vraie Canada.jpg

Voir aussi :
Nous sommes confrontés à une révolution marxiste mondiale - Amazing Polly

Friday 6 March 2020

Ivor Benson - This worldwide conspiracy

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Ivor Benson - This worldwide conspiracy

Ivor Benson (September 1907 - January 1993) was a well-known South African journalist who began his career on Fleet Street, London. In South Africa he became chief assistant editor of The Rand Daily Mail, and became particularly well known in 1963 as a news commentator for Radio South Africa.
Benson was then employed as information adviser to the White-ruled Rhodesian government, under Ian Smith. Benson was also an incisive author of conspiratorial books and booklets, such as This Worldwide Conspiracy, linking capitalism and communism with the assault on White rule in Africa. Benson was an associate of Douglas Reed and wrote a preface to The Controversy of Zion.
Benson edited an informative newsletter, Behind the News, and founded the National Forum. Benson's family were Swedes by ancestry, but he died in England.

Ivor Benson - PDF

Ivor Benson - The Zionist Factor
Ivor Benson - Know your enemy

Tuesday 3 March 2020

Carlos Whitlock Porter - ИЗБРАННОЕ

Carlos Whitlock Porter - Selected works in Russian.jpg

Buy the paper version of the book - Book Depository - The Book Patch - Amazon
Carlos Whitlock Porter - ИЗБРАННОЕ
Selected works in Russian

Интервью с Карлосом Портером
Процессы над «военными преступниками»
Йель Едейкин наносит ответный удар
Мыло из человеческого жира
Роберт Вульф и хуцпа
Письмо от одной еврейки
Слава Сталину!
«Япошки съели мой жёлчный пузырь»
Письмо от Катерины Колохэн
Различия между фашистами и национал-социалистами
Невиновные в Нюрнберге

Carlos Whitlock Porter - PDF

Carlos Porter - Requiem for Rhodesia
Carlos Porter - Satires
Carlos Porter - Letters Part One
Carlos Porter - Soviet evidence at Nuremberg
Carlos Porter - Germany v. Porter
Carlos Porter - Made in Russia : The Holocaust - Companion booklet to the video

Carlos Whitlock Porter Selected works in Russian.jpg

Monday 2 March 2020

Carlos Porter - Made in Russia : The Holocaust - Companion booklet to the video

The Holocaust - Companion booklet to the video.jpg

Buy the paper version of the book - Bol - The Book Patch
Carlos Porter - Made in Russia : The Holocaust
Companion booklet to the video

In the late summer of 1988, on location in Luxembourg, together with the late Ernst Zündel and his video cameraman, Carlos made a 90 minute video presentation of documents from the First Nuremberg Trial entitled: MADE IN RUSSIA: THE HOLOCAUST, taken from the original book of the same name.

Unfortunately, Mr Zündel's cameraman failed to focus on these documents so that the viewers could read them, but this was not known by Mr Porter or Mr Zündel until after the film was produced. This has led to people looking at illegible documents for the last 30 years. When the video appeared on the internet in 2007, all remaining first-generation documents could not be found anywhere. On enquiry to the document archives in Berlin, Brussels and Nuremberg, each one says that the other has the documents and none can be found and produced by any of them.

In response to the many complaints and requests from YouTube viewers relating to the quality of the video, here is a complete transcript with readable copies of the documents taken from microfilm.

Made in Russia : The Holocaust - Video

Carlos Porter - Made in Russia : The Holocaust VOSTFR

Carlos Porter - Requiem for Rhodesia
Carlos Porter - Satires
Carlos Porter - Letters Part One
Carlos Porter - Soviet evidence at Nuremberg
Carlos Porter - Germany v. Porter

Carlos Porter - PDF

Sunday 1 March 2020

Le Mysterium des Luminaires - Information très Vraie

Le Mysterium des Luminaires - Partie 1

Information très Vraie

"Il est surprenant de constater à quel point les gens en savent si peu sur le ciel. Le ciel est, dans toute la création, ce que la nature à fait de plus précisément orienté vers l’homme, afin de le séduire, dans l’unique but de lui parler et de lui apprendre…et c’est pourtant l’aspect le plus ignoré" . John Ruskin…

Le Mysterium des Luminaires - Partie 2

Le Mysterium des Luminaires - Partie 3

Le Mysterium des Luminaires - Partie 4

Le Mysterium des Luminaires - Partie 5

Matthew Boylan - L'humoriste interdit, ex-employé de la NASA

Mysterium Des Luminaires.jpg