The murder of little Mary Phagan - Mary Phagan Kean - 1987


The murder of little Mary Phagan - Mary Phagan Kean - 1987

This is the true story of the murder of little Mary Phagan by Leo M. Frank, her superintendent at the National Pencil Company; Leo Frank's lynching by outraged citizens after his death sentence was commuted; and the century-long effort by Frank's Jewish co-religionists to exonerate him, ending with his pardon in 1986 by the Georgia Board of Pardons and Paroles - which specifically refrained, however, from exonerating Frank.

In spite of the fact that the author Mary Phagan (now Mary Phagan Kean) is the great-niece of little Mary Phagan, and naturally has strong emotions about the case, this book contains the most balanced account of the case so far, as Ms. Kean has gone back to the complete trial record, and studied it extensively. She corrects the false statements that are used in most accounts to convince readers or viewers of Frank's innocence, while acknowledging that it it impossible to know with 100% certainty that Frank was the murderer.

The murder of Little Mary Phagan - Audiobook 2015
The Truth about Leo Frank
Leo Frank Case - Atlanta Georgia Greatest Murder Mystery 1913 - Audiobook
Leo Frank and the Birth of the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith


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