Miguel Serrano - The golden cord



Miguel Serrano - The golden cord
Esoteric Hitlerism
Chapters and Excerpts

Serrano_Miguel.jpgForward and introduction
By Jason Alfred Thompkins

In 1978 Miguel Serrano published his first book on Esoteric Hitlerism which came to be his lifelong philosophy and passion which he never abandoned. In fact he spent most of his life learning the "hidden" or "Occult" (Occult literally translates as "hidden") aspects of National Socialism. With his blend of Tantric-Kundalini Yoga, the mystery of the Runes, Ariosophy, the secret rites of the Troubadours and Minnesingers and their MYSTICAL LOVE, the Cathars, his Gnostic beliefs, his fascination with "The Mysteries" and being initiated into a Mystical "Order" in Chile (The Sacred Order of Thi- U-Hin) Serrano found his lifelong "Master" Carlos Rogat Salas AKA Sri Raaknahaif (1878-1974) whom Serrano was loyal to all the way to the end. Serrano traveled and journeyed the entire world meeting prominent people who could answer his questions and quench his thirst for knowledge. These people were not just ordinary men and women. Serrano had access to a massive amount of knowledge and to the great men and women who kept it. From spending time with Julius Evola and Ezra Pound to being one of the first "Westerners" to greet the Dalai Lama when he fled Tibet and made it to the other side. Serrano and His Holiness the Dalai Lama remained good friends through-out his life. His most well-known friendships were with Carl Jung and Herman Hesse whom Hesse called "The Hermetic Circle" and Serrano later wrote his best-selling book on these visits and friendships (The Hermetic Circle or C.G. Jung and Herman Hesse: A Record of Two Friendships). But little is known about Serrano's meetings with high ranking Nazi Party Members and high level Fascist Leaders. In 1948 Serrano took a voyage to Antarctica, the South Pole, looking for the "Oasis of Warm Water." In the 1950s he traveled and spent a decade or so in India and the Himalayas studying Kundalini Yoga and opening his Chakras which is detailed quite well in his book The Serpent of Paradise. Serrano continued to write prominent mystical books and kept journeying throughout Europe, India, Tibet and South America meeting with top level National Socialists and getting his information from "the very source."

EL CORDÓN DORADO: HITLERISMO ESOTÉRICO, first published in 1978, was the first of what would become a TRILOGY of Serrano's doctrine of ESOTERIC HITLERISM (or as more commonly known, "Nazi Occultism"). The second book on Esoteric Hitlerism and what can be considered Serrano's MAGNUM OPUS is the 650 page long ADOLF HITLER: EL ULTIMO AVATARA (Adolf Hitler: The Last Avatar) published in 1984. Lastly came MANU: POR EL HOMBRE QUE VENDRA (MANU : For the Man To Come) in 1991. It is important to know that what can be considered Serrano's best and most popular book is not "Hitlerist" to most, but for the Initiated and those who know the "Language" of Serrano it is in fact Esoteric Hitlerism simply written in code (Trovus Clus). I am referring to the magical book NOS: BOOK OF THE RESURRECTION published in Spanish in 1981 and in English in 1984. It is a continuation of the book EL/ELLA: Book of Magical Love. Some of the other books that deal with Esoteric Hitlerism to a certain degree, but mostly with what Serrano calls “ESOTERIC KRITIANISM” are DEL RESURRECTIO DE LA HEROE (The Resurrection of the Hero) (1986) and THE SON OF THE WIDOWER (released in English and Spanish in 2004).

By the merits I retain from this sacrifice and offering I dedicate these English translations to all the TRUE Disciples and Followers of the Morning Star and one of the last TRUE men who has showed us the way to the City of the Caesars, the way back to Hyperborea and has shown us Victory in the face of Defeat, how we proudly hold our heads up and accept our Defeat with Honour on this Earth. Because to Lose on this Earth means Victory on the Other-Earth.

SIG und SAL !
Jason Alfred III Thompkins

DAWN - AUTUMN - 2010

Miguel Serrano - El cordon dorado
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Miguel Serrano - PDF


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