Eugene Michael Jones - The jewish revolutionary spirit AudioBook



Eugene Michael Jones - The jewish revolutionary spirit
And its impact on World History - AudioBook

Alex Linder -

Jews for Jesus versus Jews against Jesus; Christians versus Jews; Christians versus Judaizers. This book is the story of such contests played out over 2000 turbulent years. In his most ambitious work yet, Dr. E. Michael Jones provides a breathtaking and controversial tour of history from the Gospels to Julian the Apostate to the Hussites to the French Revolution to Neoconservatism and the End of History.

PDF - Eugene Michael Jones - The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit and Its Impact on World History
PDF - Jones Eugene Michael - The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit and Its Impact on World History - Selections

Chapter One : The Synagogue of Satan
Chapter Two : Julian the Apostate and the Doomed Temple
Chapter Three : Rome Discovers the Talmud
Chapter Four : False Conversion and the Inquisition
Chapter Five : The Revolution Arrives in Europe
Chapter Six : The Converso Problem
Chapter Seven : Reuchlin v Pfefferkorn
Chapter Eight : Thomas Muentzer and the Peasant Revolt
Chapter Nine : The Anabaptist Rebellion
Chapter Ten : John Dee, Magic and the Transformation of England
Chapter Eleven : Menasseh ben Israel and the Failed Apocalypse
Chapter Twelve : The Rise of Freemasonry
Chapter Thirteen : The Revolution of 1848
Chapter Fourteen : Frederick Douglass
Chapter Fifteen : From Emancipation to Assassination
Chapter Sixteen : The Redemption of the South and the NAACP
Chapter Seventeen : Leo Frank
Chapter Eighteen : The Spread of Bolshevism
Chapter Nineteen : Marcus Garvey
Chapter Twenty : The Scottsboro Boys
Chapter Twenty One : Revolutionary Music
Chapter Twenty Two : Lorraine Hansbury
Chapter Twenty Three : The Birth of Conservatism
Chapter Twenty Four : The Second Vatican Council Begins
Chapter Twenty Five : Folk Music Meets the Civil Rights Movement
Chapter Twenty Six : Sidney Brustein's Window
Chapter Twenty Seven : The Third Session of the Council Begins
Chapter Twenty Eight : Jews and Abortion
Chapter Twenty Nine : The Black Panther
Chapter Thirty : Jewish Humor : The Messiah Arrives Again : Philip Roth : Portnoys Complaint
Chapter Thirty One : Jewish Takeover of American Culture
Chapter Thirty Two : The Neoconservative Era
Epilogue : The Conversion of the Revolutionary Jew

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