Ragnar Benson - David's tool kit


Ragnar Benson - David's tool kit
A citizen's guide to taking out Big Brother's Heavy Weapons

Toward the beginning of Chapter one Benson reminds us that those who do not read and heed history are doomed to repeat it. Then he goes on to give a few historical examples where outnumbered citizens and soldiers were able to repel invaders and inflict serious damage as well, aided at least, by low tech weapons. Using the battle of Verdun and a few others as examples, he also reminds us that if you have a lot of heart, using archaic methods against superior weapons will do you no good at all. That isn't pie in the sky advice at all or contrary to the premise of the book either. Right up front he tells you that you need weapons. Then he goes on to tell you what weapons are useful and either how to make them or where to find the informtion so you can. Along the way, Benson gives examples of skirmishes here and there or situations that arose in his own experience and what was done there. Perhaps not the history we read about in school, but nevertheless, the kind of thing we should pay attention to. He goes on to describe some of the fine points re Molotov cocktails and makes sure the reader knows there is far more to it than what can be said in a few pages. He also covers flame throwers, claymore mines, how to generate smoke, using two-way radios and a wealth of other obscure information to the fledgling. Essential how to on self defense. This is a very informative book, and the information is given in a thought provoking manner.

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