May 2018

Tuesday 29 May 2018

Ernst Zündel - La véritable histoire des relations entre Allemands et juifs


Ernst Zündel - La véritable histoire des relations entre Allemands et juifs
Aldebaran Video : version française, version originale

Dans cette série en 12 épisodes, Ernst Zündel détaille les relations entre l'Allemagne hitlérienne et les sionistes avant la Seconde Guerre mondiale et la façon dont l'Allemagne a été escroquée pour obtenir des réparations après la guerre, réparations qu'elle paie encore aujourd'hui.

Ernst Zündel - Videos
Ernst Zündel - Another Voice of Freedom
Ernst Zündel - PDF
Ingrid Rimland - Lebensraum !

Ernst Zündel - La véritable histoire des relations entre allemands et juifs - PDF

Ernst Zündel La véritable histoire des relations entre Allemands et juifs.jpg

Wednesday 23 May 2018

Ben Falk - The resilient farm and homestead


Ben Falk - The resilient farm and homestead
An innovative permaculture and whole systems design approach

The Resilient Farm and Homestead is a manual for developing durable, beautiful, and highly functional human habitat systems fit to handle an age of rapid transition.

Ben Falk is a land designer and site developer whose permaculture-research farm has drawn national attention. The site is a terraced paradise on a hillside in Vermont that would otherwise be overlooked by conventional farmers as unworthy farmland. Falk’s wide array of fruit trees, rice paddies (relatively unheard of in the Northeast), ducks, nuts, and earth-inspired buildings is a hopeful image for the future of regenerative agriculture and modern homesteading.

The book covers nearly every strategy Falk and his team have been testing at the Whole Systems Research Farm over the past decade, as well as experiments from other sites Falk has designed through his off-farm consulting business. The book includes detailed information on earthworks; gravity-fed water systems; species composition; the site-design process; site management; fuelwood hedge production and processing; human health and nutrient-dense production strategies; rapid topsoil formation and remineralization; agroforestry/silvopasture/grazing; ecosystem services, especially regarding flood mitigation; fertility management; human labor and social-systems aspects; tools/equipment/appropriate technology; and much more, complete with gorgeous photography and detailed design drawings.

The Resilient Farm and Homestead is more than just a book of tricks and techniques for regenerative site development, but offers actual working results in living within complex farm-ecosystems based on research from the “great thinkers” in permaculture, and presents a viable home-scale model for an intentional food-producing ecosystem in cold climates, and beyond. Inspiring to would-be homesteaders everywhere, but especially for those who find themselves with “unlikely” farming land, Falk is an inspiration in what can be done by imitating natural systems, and making the most of what we have by re-imagining what’s possible. A gorgeous case study for the homestead of the future.

Agriculture - PDF
Potager - PDF
Survie - PDF


Tuesday 22 May 2018

Objectif Ubermensch - Camarade Jean

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Objectif Ubermensch - Camarade Jean


Sociologie du bourgeois blanc - De retour en Fwance
Interview Saint-Claude 88 - Blanc de cité - Arts martiaux, BOXE, MMA, et Charles Philip Ingalls
Interview d'un habitant d'Orania
Interview d'un jeune suisse habitant un quartier sensible
Un gardien d'immeuble te parle de la cité
La véritable misère expliquée par un blanc
Un blanc des cités du Sud-Est
Immigration, détresse sociale, cas psychiatriques - Un aide-soignant témoigne
Entretien avec une racialiste - Comment bâtir le foyer blanc
Alors camarade ça se passe comment dans les prisons belges ?

Friday 18 May 2018

Fernand Querrioux - La médecine et les juifs

Fernand Querrioux La médecine et les juifs.jpg

Acheter la version papier du livre
Fernand Querrioux - La médecine et les juifs
Selon les documents officiels

Les juifs en France 2
Le fidèle tableau de l’incroyable invasion juive dans la médecine française.

Médecin français, auteur de « La médecine et les Juifs », membre de l'Institut d'Etude des questions Juives, Querrioux est responsable de la partie médicale de l'exposition « Le Juif et la France » et auteur de lettres de dénonciation de confrères juifs. Il disparaît à Paris au cours de l'été 1944 et serait « mort en déportation » d'après une plaque à la faculté de médecine où figure son nom. En réalité il est mort en Allemagne le 24 avril 1945 dans un convoi bombardé par l'aviation américaine.

Ex-Libris - Livres Papiers
Hébraïsme - PDF

Au corps sanitaire français :
La loi du 16 août 1940, sur l’exercice de la médecine, de la dentisterie et de la pharmacie en France, tant attendue par le Corps sanitaire français tout entier, loi excellente mais appliquée avec une lenteur désespérante, a déjà vécu. L’état français — ô ironie des mots ! — vient de s’ériger en défenseur des morticoles, métèques et Juifs en abrogeant cette loi du 16 août 1940 par la loi du 22 novembre 1941.
Avec cette loi pro-métèque et pro-juive, tous les morticoles youtres peuvent prétendre désormais à l’exercice de cet art.
Sous la troisième république, avec les Blum, les Herriot, les Saurraut et consorts, valets de la Judéo‑Maçonnerie internationale, cela pouvait peut-être se concevoir, mais sous un état français ayant pour chef un Maréchal vénéré, cela semble incroyable.
Nos dirigeants, en imaginant ou acceptant cette loi, se font les complices des pires ennemis de notre pays.
Si cette loi absurde, injuste et inopportune n’est pas abrogée, un divorce certain s’établira entre le Corps sanitaire français et ses dirigeants.
Nous ne cesserons de clamer : la médecine, la dentisterie, la pharmacie aux seuls Français de France !

Docteur Fernand Querrioux
Cahier jaune n° 3 – Février 1942, p. 16

Cahier jaune - PDF

Querrioux - La médecine et les juifs.jpg

Monday 14 May 2018

Heinz Ballensiefen - Juden in Frankreich

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Heinz Ballensiefen - Juden in Frankreich
Die französische Judenfrage in Geschichte und Gegenwart

Heinz Ballensiefen war ein deutscher Historiker und nationalsozialistischer Funktionär, eingesetzt zur Erforschung der „Judenfrage“.

Ballensiefen arbeitete zunächst für das Institut zum Studium der Judenfrage und war beratend tätig bei der Produktion des antisemitischen Films Der ewige Jude. Ab 1940, dem Jahr seines Beitritts zur SS, war er beim Reichssicherheitshauptamt in der Abteilung zur Erforschung des Judentums des SD, die später die Bezeichnung VII B 1 b erhielt. Er verfasste die Informationsberichte zur Judenfrage mit dem Ziel, die Erfassung und Ermordung von Juden zu vereinfachen. Im März 1941 nahm er an der Eröffnung des Instituts zur Erforschung der Judenfrage von Alfred Rosenberg in Frankfurt am Main teil. Im seit März 1944 besetzten Ungarn unterstützte er Zoltán Bosnyák beim Aufbau des ungarischen Instituts zur Erforschung der Judenfrage (Magyar Zsidókérdés Kutató Intézet) und war Herausgeber der Zeitschrift Harc, einer ähnlichen antisemitischen Zeitung wie Der Stürmer. Er hatte ab 1943 den Rang eines SS-Hauptsturmführers. Anfang April 1944 nahm er an der Arbeitstagung der Judenreferenten und sogenannter „Arisierungberater“ in Krummhübel als Referent teil; seine Ausführungen wurden wegen ihrer Brisanz in Bezug auf den Judenmord insbes. in Ungarn nicht an die Teilnehmer versandt.

Nach Kriegsende wurden Ballensiefens Schriften Juden in Frankreich (Nordland-Verlag, Berlin 1941) und Die englisch-amerikanische Rivalität in Palästina (Welt-Dienst-Verlag, Frankfurt a. M. 1944) in der Sowjetischen Besatzungszone auf die Liste der auszusondernden Literatur gesetzt.

Ab 1952 war Ballensiefen bei den Technischen Werken in Stuttgart Redakteur der Betriebszeitungen.

Der Stürmer - PDF
Alfred Rosenberg - PDF
Der ewige Jude - Video

Sunday 13 May 2018

Lokmanya Tilak - The Arctic Home in the Vedas

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Lokmanya Bâl Gangâdhar Tilak - The Arctic Home in the Vedas

The Arctic Home in the Vedas is a history book on the origin of Aryanic People by Bal Gangadhar Tilak, a mathematician turned astronomer, historian, journalist, philosopher and political leader of India. It propounded the theory that the North Pole was the original home of Aryans during the pre-glacial period which they had to leave due to the ice deluge around 8000 B.C. and had to migrate to the Northern parts of Europe and Asia in search of lands for new settlements. In support to his theory, Tilak presented certain Vedic hymns, Avestic passages, Vedic chronology and Vedic calendars with interpretations of the contents in detail.

The book was written at the end of 1898, but was first published in March 1903 in Pune.

Man was believed to be post-glacial, and the theory of an Asiatic origin of the Aryan peoples prevailed. The age of the oldest Vedic period, however, was carried back to 4500 BC by scholars including the author himself after scientific astronomical research in correlation with the evidence found in the Vedic hymns.

Tilak cites a book by William F. Warren, the first President of Boston University, Paradise Found or the Cradle of the Human Race at the North Pole, as having anticipated his ideas to some extent. Warren dedicated his book to Max Müller, with whom Tilak had shared ideas before the book was completed.

Tilak held the view that further study of Vedic hymns and Avestan passages might reveal the long vista of primitive Aryan antiquity.

Hyperborea on Balder Ex-Libris
Hyperborea on Free PDF

Mythology - PDF
Runes - PDF

Victor K. Wendt - Das Geheimnis der Hyperboreer
The Aryan Eagle - Aetlantis, Homeland of the Aryan Race !
Viktor Rydberg - Teutonic Mythology Gods and goddesses of the Northland
R. J. Stewart - PDF
Dr. William Pierce - Who We Are
Jacques de Mahieu - PDF

Saturday 12 May 2018

Robert S. Griffin - The Fame of a Dead Man’s Deeds - Second Edition - Audiobook

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Robert S. Griffin - The Fame of a Dead Man’s Deeds - Second Edition - Audiobook

by Bradford L. Huie

TODAY WE begin one of the most important audio book series of our new century - one which we believe will become more and more relevant as the century matures: Vanessa Neubauer’s reading of Professor Robert S. Griffin’s masterful biography of Dr. William Luther Pierce, The Fame of a Dead Man’s Deeds. This audio book will be published in weekly chapter installments on The American Mercury and will be available from the Mercury as a full-length audio book when the series is completed.

On July 23, it will have been fifteen years ago that William Pierce died at the age of 68. A physicist by training, he was known as a White nationalist (founder of the National Alliance), novelist (author of the radical revolutionary novels The Turner Diaries and Hunter), editor and writer (the founder and first editor of National Vanguard magazine and author of Who We Are, a comprehensive history of European Man), and, perhaps most importantly, founder of a new religion which he called Cosmotheism.

In his final year of life, Dr. Pierce allowed Professor Robert S. Griffin of the University of Vermont - a man who was at the time in no way associated with Dr. Pierce’s activism, views, or philosophy - to live with him for an entire month, allowing Mr. Griffin to interview him at length, experience his daily tasks running the affairs of the National Alliance and producing his weekly radio show, meeting his co-workers, and giving him unprecedented access to almost every aspect of his life, something never done by any other journalist before.

The result was Professor Griffin’s book The Fame of a Dead Man’s Deeds, which was published in 2001. The book’s title was taken from Dr. Pierce’s favorite quote, an ancient Norse proverb that runs as follows: “Cattle die and kinsmen die, and so must one die oneself. But I know one thing that never dies: the fame of a dead man’s deeds.” Fame, as I and many others called the book for short, was perhaps the first Internet-published book to “go viral” and hit the bestseller lists. It’s an extraordinary portrait of an extraordinary man. Robert Griffin is also an extraordinary man; gifted and sensitive, insightful and observant, an interviewer with the talent of asking the most pointed and germane questions - and a writer with the rare skill of capturing the true essence, personality, and even soul of his subject.

Beginning as a skeptic toward Dr. Pierce’s views, Professor Griffin said “Pierce cooperated fully and never once asked me to delete or change a thing.” By the time his sojourn had ended on the wooded, mountainous Whites-only retreat in West Virginia that Pierce called “The Land,” Griffin was able to say “I found him the most fascinating human being I’ve ever been around my life. . . . He is a very honorable man of the highest character.”

This audio book is the only one authorized by the author, and incorporates Professor Griffin’s very latest revisions, which have not yet appeared in any print edition.

How did a teacher, a professor, a research physicist like William Pierce come to conclude that there is no more important - and no more moral - thing than ensuring the survival of the European race? Why did he reject the equalizing, leveling, democratic trends that have dominated the West for a hundred years or more? Why did he ultimately decide that Christianity was an aberration and a spiritual sickness, unworthy of being the dominant religion of the West? Well, hit the play button and you’re about to find out, as you embark upon a journey of the mind and soul, and learn what Professor Griffin learned during William Pierce’s last year on Earth. Your life will never be the same.

Robert S. Griffin - The Fame of a Dead Man's Deeds - PDF
Vanguard Audio Books - Alex Linder

Dr. William Pierce - The jewish corrupters
Dr. William Pierce - Talmudic judaism
Dr. William Pierce - The lesson of Haiti
Dr. William Pierce - The jews are our misfortune
Dr. William Pierce - Out of the Darkness
Dr. William Pierce - Why the jews are Hated

Friday 11 May 2018

ITV - Immigration de masse : ou comment supprimer Le "Blanc" !

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ITV - Immigration de masse : ou comment supprimer Le "Blanc" !

Depuis six ans, un regain massif d'immigration illégale envahit l'Europe, suite au conflit syrien, aux prétextes inventés de toutes pièces. Ne vous méprenez pas. Cela fait partie du plan, celui des cabalistes, dont l'objectif final est l'extinction de la population blanche européenne. Ni plus ni moins.

Flat Earth - PDF

ITV - Test laser au lac Balaton

Cercle celte terre Plate.jpg

Zehnor - La noble tradition millénaire, remède au fallacieux et vulgaire New Age

Zehnor - La logique aristotélicienne détruit la philosophie de l'anti-réalisme ambiant

Wednesday 9 May 2018

Robert Jay Mathews - Call to Aryan Warriors

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Robert Jay Mathews - Call to Aryan Warriors

Robert Jay Mathews (January 16, 1953 - December 8, 1984) was the founder of the Silent Brotherhood.

The Early Years
Mathews was born in Marfa, Texas, the last of three boys born to Johnny and Una Mathews. His father, of Scottish descent, was mayor of the town and president of the Chamber of Commerce, and a businessman and leader in the local Methodist church. His mother was the town's den mother.

His family moved to Phoenix, Arizona when he was 5 years old. An average student in grade school, he was interested in history and politics. At age eleven, he joined the anti-Communist John Birch Society. While still in high school, he was baptized into the Mormon faith. He became a staunch anti-communist and active in the Young Republicans. Mathews rejected the idea of going it college calling them “hotbeds of communism.”

He formed the Sons of Liberty, an anti-communist militia whose members were primarily Mormons and survivalists. At its peak, it had approximately 30 members. After filling out his employer's W-4 Form claiming 10 dependents (reportedly as an act of tax resistance), he was arrested for tax fraud, tried and placed on probation for six months. After a falling out between the Mormon and non-Mormon members, the Sons of Liberty became moribund and Mathews withdrew from it.

After probation ended in 1974, he decided to relocate to Metaline Falls, Washington. Mathews and his father purchased 60 wooded acres, which became their new home and a provided the family with a fresh start.

Two years later, Mathews married Debbie McGarrity. He began to raise Scottish Galloway cattle. The couple adopted a son in 1981.

Silent Brotherhood
Mathews began to read history and politics. One in particular, Which Way Western Man? by William Gayley Simpson, profoundly affected him. Mathews agreed with its dangers facing the white race, and in 1982 he began an effort to attract white families to the Pacific Northwest, which he called the White American Bastion. He visited Richard Butler's Aryan Nations a few times and he began to draw a circle of friends around him who held similar beliefs.

In 1983, Mathews gave a short speech at a National Alliance convention, which was a report on his efforts around the White American Bastion and a call to action. It received the only standing ovation of the convention.

On September 22, 1983 Bob Mathews along with eight others founded the Silent Brotherhood at his home in Metaline Falls, Washington. They included his friend and neighbor, Ken Loff, and a group from Aryan Nations: Dan Bauer, Randy Duey, Denver Parmenter, Bruce Pierce, and David Lane. Richard Kemp and Bill Soderquist were recruited from the National Alliance. None had ever committed a violent crime before or had done prison time.

Mathews is stated to have modeled some of their activities on the novel The Turner Diaries.

The first order of business, according to Mathews' plan, was to obtain funding needed to create and establish a territorial imperative, a sovereign ethno-state, and they carried out their first robbery which netted them $369.10. They agreed that it was not worth the risks they had taken and so turned their attention to robbing armored cars and counterfeiting. They printed up some fake $50 notes and 28 year old Pierce was quickly arrested after passing a few.

In order to raise Pierce's bail, Mathews, acting alone, robbed a bank just north of Seattle. He stole almost $26,000. Some of The Order's members, along with a new recruit, Gary Yarbrough, carried out more robberies and burglaries, which netted them over $43,000. A subsequent robbery yielded several hundred thousand dollars. Another recruit, Tom Martinez, was caught and charged for passing more counterfeit currency. Then in July, 1984, they finally used a dozen men to rob a Brink's truck of $3,800,000.

It is alleged the group distributed some of the stolen money to other racialist organizations.

The end of the Silent Brotherhood
Mathews and the other members of Silent Brotherhood were eventually ratted out by Martinez, who had come under pressure after his counterfeiting arrest. After he revealed information regarding Mathews activities to the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Mathews was surrounded in a small cabin south of Coupeville, Washington on Whidbey Island by over 500 agents on December 8, 1984. Mathews refused to come out after an intense exchange of gunfire. The FBI fired flairs into the cabin setting it on fire.

Eventually other people connected to the Silent Brotherhood were convicted of various crimes. Charges ranged from racketeering, conspiracy, counterfeiting, transporting stolen money, armored car robbery, and the alleged killing of Alan Berg.

Final Letter


"For the past decade I have been a resident of Northern Pend Oreille County. When I first arrived in Metaline Falls, I had only twenty-five dollars to my name, a desire to work hard and be left alone, and the dream of someday acquiring my own small farm.

During my three years at the mine and seven years at the cement plant, I can safely say that I was known as a hard worker. I stayed out of the bars and pretty much kept to myself. Anyone who is familiar with Boundary Dam Road knows how my late father and I carved a beautiful place out of the woods.

All of the goals I had when I arrived were accomplished but one ... I was not left alone.

Within months of my arrival the FBI went to the mine office and tried to have me fired from my job. I was working in the electrical department at the time and my foreman, fortunately, had a deep and lasting dislike for the Feds. He was informed of the situation by the mine secretary. Had it been the mine manager instead of the secretary that the Government goons talked to, I would have lost my job.

This campaign of harassment and intimidation began because of my involvement in the Tax Rebellion Movement from the time I was fifteen to twenty years old. The Government was on me so much in Arizona that during one incident when I was eighteen, IRS agents shot at me for nothing more than a misdemeanor tax violation.

I left Arizona and the Tax Rebellion when I was twenty. I left not out of fear of the IRS or because of submission to their tyranny, but because I was thoroughly disgusted with the American people. I maintained then as I do now, that our people have devolved into some of the most cowardly, sheepish, degenerates that have ever littered the face of this planet.

I had hoped to start a new life in the state of Washington, but the ruling powers had other plans for me. When I learned of their highly illegal attempt to have me fired, I wrote s letter to their Seattle office and told them "I would take no more, to leave me alone, or I would respond in such a way that could be very painful to certain agents,(After the letter they gradually started to let me be.)

I soon settled down to marriage, clearing my land, and reading. Reading became an obsession with me. I consumed volume upon volume on subjects dealing with history, politics and economics. I was especially taken with Spengler's "Decline of the West" and "Which Way Western Man?". I also subscribed to numerous periodicals on current American problems, especially those concerned with the ever increasing decline of White America. My knowledge of ancient European history started to awaken a wrongfully suppressed emotion buried deep within my soul, that of racial pride and consciousness.

The stronger my love for my people grew, the deeper became my hatred for those who would destroy my race, my heritage, and darken the future of my children.

By the time my son had arrived, I realized that White America, indeed my entire race, was headed for oblivion unless White men rose and turned the tide. The more I came to love my son the more I realized that unless things changed radically, by the time he was my age, he would be a stranger in his own land, a blonde-haired, blue-eyed Aryan in a country populated mainly by Mexicans, mulattoes, blacks and Asians. His future was growing darker by the day.

I came to learn that this was not by accident, that there is a small, cohesive alien group within this nation working day and night to make this happen. I learned that these culture distorters have an iron grip on both major political parties, on Congress, on the media, on the publishing houses, and on most of the major Christian denominations in this nation, even though these aliens subscribe to a religion which is diametrically opposed to Christianity.

These are the same people who Ex-Senator William J. Fulbright and the late General Brown tried to warn us about. Henry Ford and Charles Lindberg tried vainly to warn us also. Had we been more vigilant, my son's future would not be so dark and dismal.

Thus I have no choice. I must stand up like a White man and do battle. A secret war has been developing for the last year between the regime in Washington and an ever growing number of White people who are determined to regain what our forefathers discovered, explored, conquered, settled, built and died for.

The FBI has been able to keep this war secret only because up until now we have been doing nothing more than growing and preparing. The government, however, seems determined to force the issue, so we have no choice left but to stand and fight back. Hail Victory !

It is at this point that I wish to address the multitude of lies that the federals have been telling about Gary Lee Yarbrough and myself. Gary did not "ambush" any agents. For weeks prior to this incident they had been harassing Gary, following him everywhere, even to the hospital to visit his gravely ill daughter. The day of the mythical ambush Gary was out in his yard when he saw a forest service truck driving across his property in obvious disregard to the numerous no trespassing signs scattered about his land. He yelled at the truck to stop but it kept coming towards his house until it crashed into and destroyed a gate. At this point Gary fired warning shots into the air and the truck drove away. That ... was the big ambush.

The newspapers are saying now that Gary not only ambushed three agents but that he hit three of them. Gary did not even realize that they were FBI at the time, which is fortunate for them because Gary is an expert marksman and had he decided to ambush the FBI he easily could have killed every fed within range of his weapon.

It was until 8:00 p.m. that night that Gary realized what was actually taking place. That is when approximately thirty agents drove up to Gary's house. Gary and a young house guest went outside to investigate the commotion. When the Feds started yelling at Gary he dropped to the ground and rolled into a ditch behind the line of government vehicles. The young house guest went running back into Gary's residence. After waiting for three hours the FBI used Gary's wife as a shield and a hostage and went into the house. What brave men they are !

As incredulous as it sounds Gary laid in the ditch behind the agents for five hours with his gun aimed at their backs. Had Gary really wanted to ambush these invaders then that was a wonderful opportunity to do so. Gary chose instead to give them quarter, something he would later come to regret. Gary eventually slipped out of the ditch and into the woods.

The incompetence of these gun toting bureaucrats never ceases to amaze me. Especially after their attempted ambush and murder of myself in a Portland motel. First, let me say that the FBI was not there to arrest Gary but to ambush me. They didn't even know that Gary was in the room. The only reason they were able to find me was because a trusted friend in Room 14 was actually a traitor and an informant. The FBI has vast resources and the latest technology but the quality of their agents is going down hill with every new recruit. That's because most of the best White men in this country are starting to realize that to be an FBI agent is to be nothing more than a mercenary for the ADL and Tel Aviv.

When I stepped out of my motel room that morning, a gang of armed men came running at me. None of the men had uniforms on and the only thing they said was "Stop, you bastard". At this, I yelled at Gary who was still inside and I leaped down the stairwell and took off running into the parking lot. A woman agent shot at my back and the bullet missed and hit the motel manager.

I rounded the corner of the motel and took off down the hill into a residential area. After running for two blocks I decided to quit being the hunted and become the hunter. I drew my gun and waited behind a concrete wall for the agents to draw near. When I aimed my gun at the closest agent I saw the handsome face of a young White man and lowered my aim to his knee and his foot. Had I not done so I could have killed both agents and still had the use of my hand which is now mangled beyond repair and which I might very well lose altogether. That is the last time I will ever give quarter.

As for the traitor in Room 14, we will eventually find him. If it takes ten years and we have to travel to the far ends of the earth we will find him. And true to our oath when we do find him, we will remove his head from his body.

I have no regrets or apologies to make for Gary or myself. In fact, I am proud that we had the courage and the determination to stand up and fight for our race and our heritage at a time in history when such a deed is called a crime and not an act of valor. Approximately nine moths ago the FBI went to my house while I was away and threatened my two year old son. That was a very big mistake on their part. After the Portland shootout they went to my house and threatened my sixty-three year old mother. Such brave men they are.! I am not going into hiding, rather I will press the FBI and let them know what it is like to become the hunted. Doing so it is only logical to assume that my days on this planet are rapidly drawing to a close. Even so, I have no fear. For the reality of my life is death, and the worst the enemy can do to me is shorten my tour of duty in this world.

I will leave knowing that I have made the ultimate sacrifice to ensure the future of my children.

As always, for blood, soil, honor, for faith and for race".

Robert Jay Matthews

William Luther Pierce - The Turner Diaries
William Luther Pierce - Hunter

Tuesday 8 May 2018

S. Ricard - Précis de mythologie scandinave

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S. Ricard
Précis de mythologie scandinave
D'après les meilleures sources Avec des illustrations et un commentaire

La mythologie scandinave est l’une des plus riches d’Europe et constitue le chaînon manquant entre la raison Grecque et la magie Celte.
A l’origine de nombreuses légendes, elle a inspiré les plus grands auteurs dont le fameux J.R.R Tolkien pour sa magnifique saga du Seigneur des Anneaux.
Avec ce précis, la mythologie scandinave s’offre à vous ! De Odin à Loki en passant par Thor et les Valkyries sans oublier Balder et le Loup de Fenris, l’auteur nous conte ces mythes vikings en présentant chaque dieu avec leurs fonctions et leurs célèbres légendes.


Mythologie - PDF
Scandinavie - PDF


Sunday 6 May 2018

Frederick Henry Cook - The terrestrial plane


Frederick Henry Cook - The terrestrial plane
Audiobook on AldebaranVideo
The true figure of the Earth. Accurately and scientifically demonstrated

In the interest of preserving for posterity the wealth of flat Earth knowledge and research done during the late 19th and early 20th century, I am presenting a series of audio/videobook and PDF downloads to make them more easily and widely available. Today's selection is Frederick Cook's 1908 book "The Terrestrial Plane."

Flat Earth - PDF
Eric Dubay - Bitchute

Thursday 3 May 2018

Andrew Macdonald - Jäger

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Andrew Macdonald - Jäger
(Herr Doktor William Luther Pierce)

William Luther Pierce III. (11. September 1933 in Atlanta, Georgia - 23. Juli 2002 in Mill Point, Westvirginien) war ein VS-amerikanischer Professor für Physik, Buch - und Rundfunkautor, Verleger sowie politischer Kämpfer. Er setzte sich für eine Stärkung der Loyalität innerhalb der von Europäern abstammenden Bevölkerungsgruppe des Landes sowie allgemein für die Gruppeninteressen der Weißen weltweit ein.

Pierce übersprang in der Schule eine Klasse, die letzten beiden Jahre High School verbrachte er an einer Militärschule. Diese beendete er 1951 und erhielt in der Folge ein Stipendium für ein Physikstudium an der Rice University in Houston, Texas, an der er 1955 einen Abschluß als Bachelor erlangte. Er war anschließend am Los Alamos National Laboratory tätig und setzte dann sein Studium an der Caltech, später an der University of Colorado at Boulder fort. Dort erwarb er 1962 einen Abschluß als Ph.D. Von 1962 bis 1965 lehrte er als Assistenzprofessor Physik an der Oregon State University.

Der Professor für Physik gab seinen Lehrstuhl auf, um sich ganz seinen weltanschaulichen und politischen Anliegen widmen zu können. Hierfür gründete er 1970 die Organisation National Alliance, gab in seinem Verlag National Vanguard eine Zeitschrift und Bücher heraus und schuf die Radiosendung American Dissident Voices. Pierce verfaßte die Romane „The Turner Diaries“ (engl. dt. „Die Turner-Tagebücher“) (1978) und „Hunter“ (1984; dt. „Jäger“, 2016) , veröffentlicht unter dem Pseudonym Andrew Macdonald.

Kosmotheismus und Weißes Überleben
Pierce wird als einer der Begründer der Religion des Kosmotheismus angesehen.
Der Kosmotheismus versteht sich als eine das Leben und besonders auch die eigene Großgruppe (die weiße Menschheit) bejahende Diesseitsreligion. Sie hat nichts mit dem Judäochristentum gemein, beruht nicht auf einer Offenbarung („heiligen Schriften“ oder Überlieferungen) und ebensowenig auf Visionen einer Gründerpersönlichkeit. Zu einem Teil des Verständnisses können pantheistische Vorstellungen herangezogen werden; zentral ist jedoch die Erkenntnis der fortschreitenden Evolution des Kosmos. Als Teilnehmer dieses Geschehens sei der Mensch zur persönlichen und zur Höherentwicklung der Art fähig und berufen. Auf diese Aufgabe müßten unter anderem alle gesellschaftlichen Anstrengungen ausgerichtet werden. Die Vorstellung eines persönlichen Gottes oder einer Wiedergeburt ist nicht Bestandteil des Kosmotheismus.

Nach der Ansicht von William Pierce verdient die weiße Rasse das Überleben nicht nur, weil sich in ihr der Genius des Schöpfertums offenbart und entfaltet, indem sie die bisher höchsten Kultur- und Zivilisationsformen geschaffen hat und aufrechterhält, sondern ihre Angehörigen spielten eine einzigartige und unersetzliche Rolle im Kosmos. Das Ziel des Kosmos – eines gigantischen, zielgerichteten Organismus – bestehe darin, zum Bewußtsein seiner selbst zu kommen und sich durch diesen Prozeß zu vervollkommnen. Die Weißen seien die Träger dieses Prozesses, mit dem das Universum seinen Zweck ausführe. Die eigenen Gruppeninteressen wahrzunehmen ist nach diesen Anschauungen in keiner Weise genügend: Die weiße Rasse sollte sich selbst in jeder Weise propagieren, nach immer größerer Vollkommenheit streben und als führende Entität der kosmischen Evolution es in der Hand behalten, das Leben auf der Erde zu bewahren und zur Höhe zu führen.

Pierce hielt die vollständige Trennung der Weißen von anderen Rassen für den einzigen Weg, gemäß den Gesetzen der Natur leben zu können und die Güte der weißen Abstammungsgemeinschaft zu bewahren.

„Indem wir den Juden erlauben, unsere Nachrichten- und Unterhaltungsmedien zu kontrollieren, tun wir mehr, als ihnen bloß einen entscheidenden Einfluß auf unser politisches System und buchstäbliche Kontrolle über unsere Regierung zu geben; wir geben ihnen auch Kontrolle über die Gedanken und Seelen unserer Kinder, deren Einstellungen und Vorstellungen mehr von jüdischem Fernsehen und jüdischen Filmen geformt werden als von Eltern, Schulen oder irgend einem anderen Einfluß (…).

„Den Juden mit ihrer 3000jährigen Geschichte der Nationenzerstörung vom alten Ägypten bis Rußland zu erlauben, solche Macht über uns zu besitzen, kommt Rassenselbstmord gleich. Tatsächlich ist die Tatsache, daß so viele weiße Amerikaner heute so von einem Gefühl der rassischen Schuld und des Selbsthasses erfüllt sind, daß sie aktiv den Tod ihrer eigenen Rasse anstreben, eine beabsichtigte Konsequenz der jüdischen Medienkontrolle.“


Andrew Macdonald - Die Turner-Tagebücher
(Herr Doktor William Luther Pierce)

William Luther Pierce - O diário de Turner
William Luther Pierce - Los diarios de Turner
William Luther Pierce - Cazador
William Luther Pierce - Les carnets de Turner
William Luther Pierce - Chasseur
William Luther Pierce - Hunter
William Luther Pierce - The Turner Diaries

Herr Doktor William Luther Pierce - PDF
Pierce William Luther - Who We Are
Pierce William Luther - The genocide at Vinnitsa

William Luther Pierce - Videos and audios
William Luther Pierce - Der zweite weltkrieg

Wednesday 2 May 2018

Les cahiers d'Aryanité - Cahier 1 - Introduction

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Les cahiers d'Aryanité - Cahier 1 - Introduction

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