Drogues - Drugs

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Post by Commodore »

[center][large]Drogues - Drugs[/large][/center]
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[right][small]Cannabis : http://www.the-savoisien.com/wawa-consp ... .php?id=49[/small][/right]

[center][large]Afghanistan : Drugs, Guns and Money[/large][/center]

[justify]Narrated by Colin Friels and produced by Chris Hilton, Afghanistan: Drugs, Guns and Money asks these difficult questions by following the journey of this years opium crops, tracing the drug trafficking routes heading north from Afghanistan through the nations of the Old Silk Road on its way to Europe.

The film examines who are the winners and losers as the crop finds its way to market. The awesome beauty of the landscape provides a powerful backdrop for the treachery uncovered each step of the way.

Like a cancer, the heroin trade has spread its tentacles through almost every level of society. In Afghanistan there is mass local addiction, local HIV epidemics, an unending cycle of violence and crime, and the corruption of state institutions.

With the war on terror raging, the war on drugs has slipped down the priority list of the current US administration. But, in the crucial frontline states of Central Asia, these two wars are inextricably linked? a fact all too often ignored.

The business is booming. Afghanistan and its near neighbors still supply around 80 per cent of the heroin sold in Western Europe. Yesterday?s drug lords are today?s cabinet ministers. How much of a problem is it for America (and the West) that many of its newest allies are implicated in one of the most lucrative drug routes in the world?[/justify]

Last edited by Commodore on Sun Apr 24, 2011 9:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Dejuificator II
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Post by Dejuificator II »

[center][large]War on Drugs
The Prison Industrial Complex[/large][/center]

Image[justify]The war on drugs has been going on for more than three decades. Today, nearly 500,000 Americans are imprisoned on drug charges. In 1980 the number was 50,000. Last year $40 billion in taxpayer dollars were spent in fighting the war on drugs. As a result of the incarceration obsession, the United States operates the largest prison system on the planet, and the U.S. nonviolent prisoner population is larger than the combined populations of Wyoming and Alaska. Try to imagine the Drug Enforcement Administration erecting razor wire barricades around two states to control crime and you?ll get the picture.

According to the U.S. Dept of Justice, the number of offenders under age 18 imprisoned for drug offenses increased twelvefold from 1985 to 1997. The group most affected by this propensity for incarceration is African-Americans. From 1985 to 1997, the percentage of African-American young people put in prison increased from 53 to 62 percent.

Today, 89 percent of police departments have paramilitary units, and 46 percent have been trained by active duty armed forces. The most common use of paramilitary units is serving drug-related search warrants, which usually involve no-knock entries into private homes.[/justify]
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Dejuificator II
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Post by Dejuificator II »

[center][large]American Meth[/large][/center]

[justify]Filmmaker Justin Hunt leads viewers on a cross-country journey straight into the heart of the American methamphetamine epidemic in this illuminating documentary narrated by actor Val Kilmer.

Troubled by the proliferation of methamphetamine addiction in recent years, Hunt traveled from the arid planes of New Mexico to the inner-city squalor of Portland in order to explore the toll that the drug has taken on American families and show that it?s never too late to try and rescue a loved one.

The voyage takes a decidedly personal turn as Hunt visits with meth addicted parents James and Holly, whose four children speak candidly about the effect their parent?s addiction has had on their upbringing.[/justify]

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Dejuificator II
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Post by Dejuificator II »

[center][large]American Drug War[/large]
The Last White Hop[/center]

[justify]35 years after Nixon started the war on drugs, we have over one million non-violent drug offenders living behind bars. The War on Drugs has become the longest and most costly war in American history, the question has become, how much more can the country endure? Inspired by the death of four family members from ?legal drugs? Texas filmmaker Kevin Booth sets out to discover why the Drug War has become such a big failure. Three and a half years in the making, the film follows gang members, former DEA agents, CIA officers, narcotics officers, judges, politicians, prisoners and celebrities. Most notably the film befriends Freeway Ricky Ross; the man many accuse for starting the Crack epidemic, who after being arrested discovered that his cocaine source had been working for the CIA.

American Drug War shows how money, power and greed have corrupted not just drug pushers and dope fiends, but an entire government. More importantly, it shows what can be done about it. This is not some ?pro-drug? stoner film, but a collection of expert testimonials from the ground troops on the front lines of the drug war, the ones who are fighting it and the ones who are living it.

After 4 years of production including several sold out test screenings in New York, Austin & Los Angeles, the final version of American Drug War: The Last White Hope is locked and loaded.[/justify]

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Post by Savoisien »

Image[center][large]VOYAGE AU COEUR DU LSD[/large][/center]

[justify]Résumé :
[large]Le LSD a-t-il des vertus thérapeutiques ? Avec des scientifiques, ce documentaire fait le point sur les nouvelles découvertes concernant la drogue hallucinogène.
L'inventeur du LSD Albert Hofmann l'avait appelé "la médecine de l'âme", les Beatles lui ont écrit des chansons, l'armée et la CIA ont exploité ses pouvoirs hallucinogènes... Proscrit en 1966, le LSD est devenu le jouet dangereux de la contre-culture, un produit illicite capable de déclencher des moments de génie aussi bien que des voyages dans la folie. Aujourd'hui, la science porte un nouveau regard sur le LSD, qui pourrait être utilisé comme produit thérapeutique. Utilisant l'imagerie cérébrale, testant des versions non hallucinogènes de cette drogue ou ses effets sur des personnes en soins palliatifs, les chercheurs ont découvert que le LSD pouvait avoir des vertus analgésiques. Peut-il améliorer notre intelligence, étendre notre créativité et guérir certaines maladies ?
Pour plus d'informations : http://www.the-savoisien.com/wawa-consp ... php?id=927
Avec : Pamela Caragol[/large][/justify]

[center](Etats-Unis, 2009, 50mn)

Réalisateur: Pam Caragol Wells

(Etats-Unis, 2009, 50mn)[/center]
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Post by Libris »

[center][large]Plan Colombia[/large]
Cashing-In on the Drug War Failure
[/center]Image[justify]20 years of US war-on-drugs in Colombia paid for by U.S. tax-payers. Still, more and more drugs and narco-dollars are entering the US every year.

Is it a failure or a smokescreen by Washington to secure Colombia?s oil & natural resources instead? Now that the U.S. State Department officially shifted its priority in Colombia from counter-narcotics to counter-insurgency conveniently dubbed anti-terrorism, what is left today of the alleged anti-drug purpose of the U.S. ?Plan Colombia??

While cocaine trafficking and money-laundering are skyrocketing to unseen proportions, is the current U.S. oil administration even concerned with fighting drugs in Colombia, another top oil supplier to the U.S., when its U.S.-friendly regime is being threatened by powerful leftist guerrilla groups?[/justify]
Last edited by Libris on Wed May 04, 2011 4:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Libris »

Rite of Passage


[justify]Ibogaine is a substance that is derived from the root of an African plant that grows in Gabon. This plant is originally used during initiations of the Bwiti culture, but in the sixties the anti-addictive properties of this psychoactive substance were discovered by Howard Lotsof.

Ibogaine is surrounded by controversy. The decisions about the use of Ibogaine in the treatment of addiction appear to be made on political and economical, rather than rational basis.

Despite the results that show the efficacy of Ibogaine, the pharmaceutical companies and the government show no interest and stay skeptical. Ibogaine has provided us with more insight in the mechanisms of addiction and the question if it needs to be used for treating this huge western problem gets more and more acknowledgment.

Cy (34) has been using a mixture of heroine and amphetamine for about 11 years, but his three children and his ambitions are more valuable to him. Kicking his addiction is a tough job for him. It reveals all his suppressed emotions.

Moussavou (22) lives in the village Mitoné in Gabon. For her the traditional African initiation is part of healing process. She suffered from an illness for more than a year and she hopes that eating the holy plant will be the starting point of a new phase in her life.

This 50 minute documentary shows the different aspects of this special substance by means of personal experiences and explanations of ex-addicts, treatment providers and experts.[/justify]
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Post by Libris »

[center][large]If Drugs Were Legal[/large][/center]

[justify]Evidence from Switzerland suggests that prescribing heroin can reduce crime and increase levels of employment among addicts. While still illegal in the UK, cannabis was downgraded to a category C drug in January 2004. Would drug legalisation really reduce crime overall, and would it make drug use any safer?

Based on rigorous research and interviews with experts, the programme hears the arguments for leaving the most dangerous drug of all ? crack cocaine ? illegal, and examines how a legal and regulated system of drugs would work.

It is 2015. In the film, an ex-drugs policeman investigates two girls? deaths. The government, persuaded by the vast economic cost of prohibition, has decided to legalise drugs. The UK, along with a coalition of progressive countries from Europe, Canada and Australia, has opted out of the UN treaties which control drugs. Much of the trade from possession to use, and production to supply, has been legalised.

The drama opens with the collapse and subsequent deaths of two girls in a club which is licensed to sell drugs. In the scenario, most drugs are readily available, with government health warnings and lists of ingredients, from various outlets. Drugs of addiction, like heroin, are free but only available on prescription from Swiss-styled heroin clinics.

Cocaine is still illegal. The whole trade is regulated by a new agency, called Ofdrug. The film follows the investigation into the two girls? deaths by an Ofdrug agent who works closely with an ex-drugs policeman. Experts such as former chief constable Francis Wilkinson argued the case for pro-legalisation, while David Raynes of the National Drug Prevention Alliance was one of the voices arguing against.[/justify]

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Post by Libris »

[large]Illegal Drugs and How They Got That Way[/large]
[/center]Image[justify]Crack, Cocaine, Opium, Marijuana, Heroine, etc. ? Illegal Drugs have an enormous impact on society. They make addictive, shorten our live-expectancy and change the way we interact with other people.

Drugs are therefore not only a risk for ourselves but also for others. But many drugs have not always been illegal, but were a medication against many ?sicknesses?, like depressions or feeling tired.

Even ?coke? got popular because it has extracts of the coca-leave in it. Also in our times the use of drugs is often a sign, that people have problems in their live they don?t know any other way to escape than through drugs that change their recognition.[/justify]
Last edited by Libris on Wed May 04, 2011 5:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Libris »

Image[center][large]Ancient Drugs[/large][/center]

[justify]Join Dr. Andrew Weil and other leading physicians and scholars in this often-surprising look at the long history of drug use in different cultures worldwide.

Since mankind?s beginning, in every civilization, human beings have found ways to alter their consciousness in search of something greater than everyday reality.

To this end, we have indulged in and experimented with all manner of frightening, toxic, even potentially lethal substances, in many different rituals.

ImageAncient Drugs delves into mankind?s psyche in search of the key to our pervasive drive to experience something beyond.

Psychologists and physicians, including Dr. Andrew Weil, world-famous author of the bestselling Spontaneous Healing, offer insight into the physical and mental mechanisms and motivations behind this universal desire.

Historians and spiritualists explore the ancient rituals of cultures worldwide that have sought visions and truth through altered consciousness, and illuminate the terrifying, exquisite visions that are revealed to those who journey beyond the constraints of the conscious mind.[/justify]
Last edited by Libris on Wed May 04, 2011 7:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Post by Commodore »

[center][large]Timothy Leary ? The Man Who Turned On America[/large][/center]

Image[justify]Timothy Leary was early advocate of LSD experimentation. Leary taught psychology at Harvard and by 1960 was doing experiments with LSD and other hallucinogens, first on prison inmates and then on himself and his friends. LSD was not illegal at the time.

In 1960, Allen Ginsberg, supervised by Leary, ingested psilocybin mushrooms, (under the influence of the drug, he phoned Jack Kerouac, identifying himself as God to the telephone operator), and began to spread the word about the new powerful psychedelic drugs.

In August 1960, Leary traveled to the Mexican city of Cuernavaca with Russo and tried psilocybin mushrooms for the first time, an experience that drastically altered the course of his life. In 1965, Leary commented that he ?learned more about? (his) brain and its possibilities? (and) more about psychology in the five hours after taking these mushrooms than? (he) had in the preceding fifteen years of studying doing research in psychology.?

Upon his return to Harvard that fall, Leary and his associates, notably Richard Alpert (later known as Ram Dass), began a research program known as the Harvard Psilocybin Project. The goal was to analyze the effects of psilocybin on human subjects (in this case, prisoners and later students of the Andover Newton Theological Seminary) using a synthesized version of the then-legal drug ? one of two active compounds found in a wide variety of hallucinogenic mushrooms including Psilocybe mexicana.

The compound was produced according to a synthesis developed by research chemist Albert Hofmann of Sandoz Pharmaceuticals.[/justify]

Post by Commodore »

[center][large]The Tobacco Conspiracy[/large][/center]

[justify]Plus de trois ans d?enquête ont permis à Nadia Collot de démontrer comment l?industrie du tabac parvient à conserver voire à accro?tre sa toute puissance au détriment de la santé publique.
Dans ce voyage de 52? à couper le souffle, la réalisatrice nous entra?ne sur trois continents, l?Amérique du nord, l?Europe et l?Afrique pour mieux décrypter cette grande conspiration à l?échelle mondiale, entre manipulation scientifique, subversion
commerciale et stratégie économique. Voyage au coeur du cartel de la nicotine...

[center][large]Tabac La Conspiration Retenez Votre Souffle.avi (405.79 MB)[/large][/center]

Image[justify]A history of the tobacco industry?s lies and scams. From the US in 1953 to Africa today, the controversy between individual responsibility and corporate greed is portrayed in a lucid, undaunted manner.

From scientific frauds to working with organized crime, tobacco companies show their hidden agenda more clearly than ever in this theatrically released documentary.

More than three years of investigating all over the world has allowed Nadia Collot to decipher the attitudes of an industry that, in spite of many prevention campaigns still expands its power at the cost of public health. Three aspects of industry behavior are studied:

1. Scientific subversion: proof of the manipulation of scientific evidence and buying out of scientists to maintain controversy over the health issues related to smoking, but even more so today, related to environmental tobacco smoke.

2. Ideological subversion: whether it be through clever and disguised product placements on screen or TV, creating its own biased health messages, implementing subtle and ingenious marketing tactics or using political lobbying manoeuvres, the tobacco industry has gone to unbelievable extents to do what it says it never will.

3. Economic strategies: to develop as fast as possible, to infiltrate closed-market countries, to better reach the young and the poor, smuggling is one of the ways the industry has chosen to organize its international growth.[/justify]

[center]The Tobacco Conspiracy.flv (218.32 MB)
Last edited by Commodore on Wed May 18, 2011 12:50 am, edited 1 time in total.

Post by Commodore »

[center][large]CIA Drug Ops Conspiracy[/large][/center]


[justify]This is a documentary series that was never aired where an investigative journalist uncovers truth to the rumors about Iran-Contra during the Reagan years, CIA drug trafficking, CIA drug operations in Mena, Arkansas during the Clinton governorship and presidency. It also implies that former president George H.W. Bush, who was vice president during the Reagan years, and was also former head of the CIA was also involved. This documentary to my knowledge was recorded from a hacked satellite tuned to an "edit" channel which was feeding coast to coast "preview programming" to network executives in NYC. Apparently the decision was made against running this program due to its content and the "heat" that it would generate. The CIA poses as FBI more often than not, so perhaps the "FBI" stated this would interfere with their investigation......

This video uses copyrighted material in a manner that does not require approval of the copyright holder. It is a fair use under copyright law.
Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.

The media material presented in this production is protected by the FAIR USE CLAUSE of the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, which allows for the rebroadcast of copyrighted materials for the purposes of commentary, criticism, and education.[/justify]
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Post by BPriest »

[center][large]Mise à jour des liens[/large][/center]

[center]Voyage au coeur du LSD[/center]


Taille : 298 Mo

Langue : FR

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UploadHero : http://uploadhero.com/dl/ki52KLP6[/center]

[center]Tabac - La conspiration[/center]



Taille : 164 Mo

Langue : FR

UpToBox : http://uptobox.com/xkgbclim6jik

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